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Helen (Play)
Definition by Avi Kapach

Helen (Play)

Helen is a Greek tragedy by Euripides (c. 484-407 BCE). It is usually thought to have first been performed at the Great Dionysia of 412 BCE and was part of the trilogy that included Euripides' lost Andromeda. Helen recounts an unusual version...
Helen of Troy
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy (sometimes called Helen of Sparta) is a figure from Greek mythology whose elopement with (or abduction by) the Trojan prince Paris sparked off the Trojan War. Helen was the wife of Menelaus, the king of Sparta, and considered...
Fashion & Dress in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Fashion & Dress in Ancient Egypt

Fashion in ancient Egypt epitomized the concept of simplicity and ease in movement and remained relatively unchanged in this regard for over 3,000 years. Clothing and footwear differed in ornamentation between the upper and lower classes...
Beer in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Beer in Ancient Egypt

Considering the value the ancient Egyptians placed on enjoying life, it is no surprise that they are known as the first civilization to perfect the art of brewing beer. The Egyptians were so well known as brewers, in fact, that their fame...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Menelaus (also Menelaos) is a figure from ancient Greek mythology and literature who was the king of Sparta and the husband of beautiful Helen, whose abduction by the Trojan prince Paris sparked off the legendary Trojan War. The story is...
Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Music & Dance in Ancient Egypt

Music and dance were highly valued in ancient Egyptian culture, but they were more important than is generally thought: they were integral to creation and communion with the gods and, further, were the human response to the gift of life and...
The Soul in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Soul in Ancient Egypt

At the beginning of time, the god Atum stood on the primordial mound in the midst of the waters of chaos and created the world. The power which enabled this act was heka (magic) personified in the god Heka, the invisible force behind the...
10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia
Article by Jan van der Crabben

10 Years of Ancient History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia's CEO Jan van der Crabben writes about the organization's 10-year history. Ancient History Encyclopedia just turned ten! On 25 August 2009, we officially launched the Ancient History Encyclopedia website by...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Oenone was a nymph in Greek Mythology, the daughter of the river god Cebren and sister of the nymph Asterope/Hesperia. She was given the gift of prophecy by Rhea (mother of the gods) and the gift of healing by Apollo. Her name comes from...
We are now World History Encyclopedia
Article by Jan van der Crabben

We are now World History Encyclopedia

Ancient History Encyclopedia has now been around for almost twelve years. Since then, over 136 million people have used our website to learn about history, making it one of the most-read history publications in the world. Our project has...