Search Results: Lives caesars oxford worlds classics


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Interview: Barry Strauss on Ten Caesars
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Interview: Barry Strauss on Ten Caesars

Dr. Barry Strauss' Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine tells the epic story of the Roman Empire from its rise to its eastern reinvention, from Augustus, who founded the empire, to Constantine, who made it Christian and...
Changing Worlds: Climate & Disaster in Antiquity
Collection by Mark Cartwright

Changing Worlds: Climate & Disaster in Antiquity

Although climate change has today become a much bigger and more globalized problem than in the past, ancient peoples did have to contend with local events that severely disrupted or even ended their way of life as they knew it. A long series...
Robinson Crusoe | Oxford World's Classics
Video by Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)

Robinson Crusoe | Oxford World's Classics

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe (Edited by Thomas Keymer and co-annotator James Kelly) Script: Thomas Keymer Series Producers: Harry Orme, Eleanor Chilvers and...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Confucianism is a philosophy developed in 6th-century BCE China, which is considered by some a secular-humanist belief system, by some a religion, and by others a social code. The broad range of subjects touched on by Confucianism lends itself...
Ten Caesars by Barry Strauss
Image by Barry Strauss

Ten Caesars by Barry Strauss

Ten Caesars: Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine
Palatine - An Alternative History of the Caesars with Peter Stothard
Video by Kelly Macquire

Palatine - An Alternative History of the Caesars with Peter Stothard

A unique and entertaining history of the Roman Empire's first dynasty 14 CE: The first Roman emperor is dead. A second is about to succeed. The Forum of Rome, once fought over so fiercely, has become hardly more than a museum. The house...
Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives
Image by Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives

Photo showing display cases and video screens at the exhibition Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Diogenes Laërtius: Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
Image by unknown

Diogenes Laërtius: Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers

Title page from 1594 edition of Diogenes Laërtius' "Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers."
Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt
Article by P. DeMola

Interrelations of Kerma and Pharaonic Egypt

The vacillating nature of Ancient Egypt's associations with the Kingdom of Kerma may be described as one of expansion and contraction; a virtual tug-of-war between rival cultures. Structural changes in Egypt's administration led to alternating...
Sima Qian
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Sima Qian

Sima Qian (l. 145/135-86 BCE) was a court scribe, astrologer, and historian of the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE) of ancient China, famous for his historical work Records of the Grand Historian for which he is remembered as the Father of...