Visual Timeline: Cicero

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110 BCE 100 BCE 90 BCE 80 BCE 70 BCE 60 BCE 50 BCE 40 BCE  
106 BCE: Roman statesman and orator Cicero is born.
79 BCE: Cicero leaves Rome for two years in order to improve his health and improve his learning.
70 BCE: Cicero successfully prosecutes Verres.
62 BCE: Cicero successfully prosecutes the revolutionary Catiline.
58 BCE - 57 BCE: Cicero is exiled from Rome.
51 BCE - 50 BCE: Cicero governs the province of Cilicia.
44 BCE: Cicero writes his De Officiis.
43 BCE - 36 BCE: Second Triumvirate: Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus (official approval by the Roman Senate). Mass proscriptions including Cicero.
43 BCE: Roman statesman and orator Cicero dies.
110 BCE 100 BCE 90 BCE 80 BCE 70 BCE 60 BCE 50 BCE