Traductions recommandées


# Titre Traduction Pages vues (6m)
1 Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess Full Text & Summary Translate 9,394
2 Trinity Translate 7,001
3 An A to Z of Pirate & Seafaring Expressions Translate 6,656
4 The Edicts of Ashoka the Great Translate 6,522
5 Ancient Persian Warfare Translate 5,285
6 Weapons in the American Revolution Translate 5,041
7 Hymn to Nungal Translate 4,881
8 The Admonitions of Ipuwer Translate 3,699
9 The Temples of Pattadakal Translate 3,552
10 Buddhism in Ancient Korea Translate 3,495
11 Upanishads: Summary & Commentary Translate 3,424
12 Hymn to Inanna Translate 3,060
13 Song of Everlasting Sorrow Translate 3,035
14 Angels in Ancient Judaism Translate 2,917
15 Social, Political & Economic Landscapes in Kautilya's Arthashastra Translate 2,704
16 New Testament Translate 2,540
17 Angels in Christianity Translate 2,438
18 Book of Genesis Translate 2,422
19 Chola Art & Architecture Translate 2,422
20 1521 Excommunication of Luther: Complete Text Translate 2,311
21 Book of the Heavenly Cow Translate 2,283
22 The Eternal Life of Gilgamesh Translate 2,244
23 Shahnameh Translate 2,162
24 Battle of Lundy's Lane Translate 2,067
25 Quran Translate 1,923
26 New Gilgamesh Fragment: Enkidu's Sexual Exploits Doubled Translate 1,789
27 Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld Translate 1,705
28 Avesta Translate 1,697
29 Hoysala Architecture Translate 1,637
30 The Myth of Etana Translate 1,602
31 Sutra Translate 1,582
32 Mahasanghika Translate 1,384
33 New Testament Text-Types Translate 1,375
34 Roger Williams' The Bloody Tenent of Persecution Translate 1,216
35 The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys Translate 1,203
36 A Seminole Creation Story & Other Tales Translate 1,196
37 The River of Separation, a Navajo Creation Story Translate 1,169
38 Kesh Temple Hymn Translate 1,153
39 A Visual Glossary of Hindu Architecture Translate 1,153
40 Ludlul-Bel-Nemeqi Translate 1,144
41 J. R. Giddings' Account of the Dade Massacre of the Second Seminole War Translate 1,121
42 The Report of Wenamun: Text & Commentary Translate 1,107
43 St. Augustine: from The Literal Meaning of Genesis Translate 1,095
44 De-Ka-Nah-Wi-Da and Hiawatha Translate 1,082
45 The Satire of the Trades Translate 1,052
46 Harper's Songs of Ancient Egypt Translate 1,050
47 Artillery in the English Civil Wars Translate 1,044
48 Taxila Translate 1,042
49 Cavalry in the English Civil Wars Translate 1,026
50 George Washington's Farewell Address Translate 1,020
51 Pushyabhuti Dynasty Translate 1,006
52 Musketeers in the English Civil Wars Translate 975
53 Roger Williams' A Letter to the Town of Providence Translate 898
54 Why Kokopelli is Not Kokopelli: Paiyatamu & The Four Flutes Translate 873
55 The Daughter of the Sun Translate 839
56 Schooldays: Sumerian Satire & the Scribal Life Translate 834
57 Plato's Lie In The Soul Translate 829
58 Zwingli's 67 Articles Translate 806
59 Inanna and Su-kale-tuda Translate 786
60 The Pythagorean Theorem: The Way of Truth Translate 781
61 Gilgamesh and Huwawa Translate 770
62 Excerpts from Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation Translate 768
63 The Instructions of Shuruppag Translate 765
64 Bulguksa Temple Translate 764
65 Wall Reliefs: Apkallus of the North-West Palace at Nimrud Translate 757
66 Early Explorers of the Maya Civilization: From Aguilar to Waldek Translate 752
67 Tsul'kălû', The Slant-Eyed Giant Translate 751
68 The Book of Jonah Translate 749
69 Badger-Woman Translate 740
70 Ancient Geography of India Translate 718