Search Results: Argonauts western pacific bronislaw malinowski


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Polynesian Navigation & Settlement of the Pacific
Article by Kim Martins

Polynesian Navigation & Settlement of the Pacific

Polynesian navigation of the Pacific Ocean and its settlement began thousands of years ago. The inhabitants of the Pacific islands had been voyaging across vast expanses of ocean water sailing in double canoes or outriggers using nothing...
Jason & the Argonauts
Article by Mark Cartwright

Jason & the Argonauts

The pan-Hellenic mythological hero Jason was famed for his expedition with the Argonauts - as the sailors on their ship the Argo were known - in search of the Golden Fleece in Kolchis on the Black Sea, one of the most popular and enduring...
Ferdinand Magellan
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan, or Fernão de Magalhães (c. 1480-1521), was a Portuguese mariner whose expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe in 1519-22 in the service of Spain. Magellan was killed on the voyage in what is today the Philippines...
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475-1519) was a Spanish conquistador who famously discovered the Pacific Ocean after crossing the isthmus of Panama in 1513. An utterly ruthless adventurer and colonizer, Balboa was as much a danger to his fellow conquistadors...
Jason and his Quest with the Argonauts
Image by Simeon Netchev

Jason and his Quest with the Argonauts

A map following the three millennia-old voyage of Jason and his fellow Argonauts (a band of fifty heroes, called by the name of their ship - Argo) from the land of Iolcus to Colchis and back across the ancient Mediterranean as told in the...
The Adventure of Jason and the Argonauts from the Argonautica
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Adventure of Jason and the Argonauts from the Argonautica

Jason is a mythological Greek hero who is best known for his journey with the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. Aboard the ship the Argo (which is where the term Argonauts comes from), Jason and his men travelled to Kolchis on the...
Traditional Pacific Island Tattoo Tools
Image by Haa900

Traditional Pacific Island Tattoo Tools

Instruments for traditional Pacific Island tattoos: hāhau (tapping stick) made of ulei wood, moli (tattoo tool) made of wood and bone, and apu paʻu (ink bowl), made of jade. Date unknown.
Western Roman Empire
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Western Roman Empire

The Western Roman Empire is the modern-day term for the western half of the Roman Empire after it was divided in two by the emperor Diocletian (r. 284-305 CE) in c. 285/286 CE. The Romans themselves did not use this term. At its height (c...
Dispersal of Austronesian People Across the Pacific
Image by Obsidian Soul

Dispersal of Austronesian People Across the Pacific

A map outlining the migratory paths of Austronesian speaking populations, including estimated dates.
Hercules & Argonauts
Image by Bibi Saint-Pol

Hercules & Argonauts

A red-figure krater depicting the Argonauts and Hercules who joined Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece. 4650-450 BCE. (Louvre Museum, Paris)