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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Mars was the Roman god of war and second only to Jupiter in the Roman pantheon. Although most of the myths involving Mars were borrowed from the Greek god of war Ares, Mars did have some uniquely Roman features. Mars is considered more level-headed...
The Ancient Celtic Pantheon
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Ancient Celtic Pantheon

The ancient Celtic pantheon consisted of over 400 gods and goddesses who represented everything from rivers to warfare. With perhaps the exception of Lugh, the Celtic gods were not universally worshipped across Iron Age Europe but were very...
Champ de Mars Massacre
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Champ de Mars Massacre

The Champ de Mars Massacre was an incident that took place on 17 July 1791, when soldiers of the National Guard under the Marquis de Lafayette opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators, who were calling for a referendum on the king's abdication...
Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome
Article by Mark Cartwright

Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome

The Temple of Mars Ultor stands in the Forum of Augustus in Rome and was built to commemorate Augustus' victory in 42 BCE at the Battle of Philippi over the assassins of Julius Caesar. The building became the place where important military...
The Heliocentric Universe by Copernicus
Image by

The Heliocentric Universe by Copernicus

A 1520-41 CE illustration of the heliocentric view of our solar system from 'De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium' by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543 CE). Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who famously proposed that the Earth and other planets...
Ptolemaic Universe
Image by Jan van Loon

Ptolemaic Universe

A 17th-century map by Jan van Loon of the cosmos as proposed by the astronomer and geographer Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100 - c. 170 CE).
The Curvature of the Universe (Philippeion in the Altis of Olympia)
Image by Santi

The Curvature of the Universe (Philippeion in the Altis of Olympia)

The Philippeion in the Altis of Olympia was designed by the Athenian sculptor Leochares to celebrate Philip of Macedon's victory at the Battle of Chaeronea (338 BCE).
Egyptian Book of the Dead
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. The famous title was given the work by western scholars; the actual title would translate as The Book of Coming Forth...
Kepler's Platonic Solid Universe Model
Image by Johannes Kepler

Kepler's Platonic Solid Universe Model

A diagram showing the idea of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) that the planets of the universe were made up of Platonic solids set within each other. From Kepler's Mysterium Cosmographicum (1596)
Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome
Image by Mark Cartwright

Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome

The temple of Mars Ultor ('The Avenger') in the Forum of Augustus, 1st century BCE, Rome. It was built by Augustus to commemorate the Battle of Philippi and the defeat of Julius Caesar's assassins in 42 BCE.