Search Results: Rough guide rhodes travel guides


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Colossus of Rhodes
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was a gigantic 33-metre-high bronze statue of the sun god Helios which stood by the harbour of that city from c. 280 BCE. Rhodes was then one of the most important trading ports in the ancient Mediterranean and the...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Rhodes, with an area of 1,400 km², is the largest island in the Greek Dodecanese group located in the south-eastern Aegean. The island was an important protagonist in wider Greek and Mediterranean affairs throughout the Bronze Age, Archaic...
Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide
Article by Carole Raddato

Ancient Cyprus: A Travel Guide

Lying at the crossroads of the eastern Mediterranean, the island of Cyprus has long been a meeting point for many of the world's great civilizations. Situated where Europe, Asia and Africa meet, its location shaped its history of bringing...
Travel in the Ancient Greek World
Article by Mark Cartwright

Travel in the Ancient Greek World

Travel opportunities within the ancient Greek world largely depended on status and profession; nevertheless, a significant proportion of the population could, and did, travel across the Mediterranean to sell their wares, skills, go on religious...
Rough Cullinan Diamond
Image by Unknown Artist

Rough Cullinan Diamond

A 1908 photograph of the rough Cullinan diamond which was discovered in Transvaal, South Africa in 1905. The diamond weighed 3,106 carats. Nine large stones and 96 smaller ones were cut from the diamond. Cullinan I is now set in the Sovereign...
Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand
Definition by Kim Martins

Pink and White Terraces of New Zealand

The cascading geothermal pink and white terraces of Aotearoa New Zealand were often referred to internationally and within New Zealand as the eighth wonder of the world. They were a famous tourist attraction in the 19th century until the...
Official Guides & Maps of Pompeii, Boscoreale, Oplontis and Stabiae
Image by Carole Raddato

Official Guides & Maps of Pompeii, Boscoreale, Oplontis and Stabiae

These official guides and maps of Pompeii and neighbouring sites are essentials items for visiting the archaeological sites independently.
Interview with Garry Shaw - Egyptian Mythology Travel Guide
Video by Kelly Macquire

Interview with Garry Shaw - Egyptian Mythology Travel Guide

Join World History Encyclopedia as they talk to Garry Shaw, an Egyptologist and author of a brand new book Egyptian Mythology: A Travelers Guide From Aswan to Alexandria. Garry's book on Egyptian mythology starts with a journey beginning...
A Visitor's Guide to Pompeii
Article by Carole Raddato

A Visitor's Guide to Pompeii

Visitors to Naples and its surrounding area could be overwhelmed by the number of archaeological wonders to see. Buried for centuries beneath tons of volcanic ash and debris, the archaeological sites scattered along the coast of Naples are...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Aytap is the modern name for the ancient city of Iotapa (sometimes given as Iotape and Iotape Philadelphos) in Cilicia. The city's ruins are located in southern Turkey near modern day Alanya (ancient Coracesium). The city was founded in 52...