Search Results: Spare no one violence warfare


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Dogen's One Bright Pearl & the Neo-Confucian Pattern
Article by Emily Mark

Dogen's One Bright Pearl & the Neo-Confucian Pattern

The concept of Oneness is expressed repeatedly in philosophical works both in the east and west. Whether one is reading the Paradoxes of Zeno of Elea (l. c. 465 BCE) or the treatises of Wonyho (l. 617-686 CE) the concept of the One is impossible...
White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence
Video by National Indigenous Times News

White Buffalo Calf Women's Society Takes a Stand against Domestic Violence

For 45 years, the White Buffalo Calf Women's Society has aided vulnerable women and children in South Dakota, tackling domestic violence and related issues, while highlighting the ongoing need for funding and collaboration in Tribal communities...
Mongol Warfare
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Mongol Warfare

The Mongols conquered vast swathes of Asia in the 13th and 14th century CE thanks to their fast light cavalry and excellent bowmen, but another significant contribution to their success was the adoption of their enemies' tactics and technology...
Ancient Chinese Warfare
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Chinese Warfare

In ancient China warfare was a means for one region to gain ascendancy over another, for the state to expand and protect its frontiers, and for usurpers to replace an existing dynasty of rulers. With armies consisting of tens of thousands...
Celtic Warfare
Definition by Jeffrey King

Celtic Warfare

The Celts were a linguistic group which spanned across a wide geographic area and included numerous cultures and ethnicities. Because of this fact, the traditions, practices, and lifestyles of Celtic-speaking peoples varied considerably...
Ancient Indian Warfare
Definition by Dr Avantika Lal

Ancient Indian Warfare

War was the chief means by which territory was annexed or rulers defeated in ancient India, which was divided into multiple kingdoms, republics and empires. Often one empire predominated or different empires co-existed. The Vedic literature...
Ancient Greek Warfare
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Greek Warfare

In the ancient Greek world, warfare was seen as a necessary evil of the human condition. Whether it be small frontier skirmishes between neighbouring city-states, lengthy city-sieges, civil wars, or large-scale battles between multi-alliance...
The Maya Calendar and the End of the World: Why the one does not substantiate the other
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Maya Calendar and the End of the World: Why the one does not substantiate the other

The Popol Vuh recounts the story of twins who journeyed to Xibalba. For the Maya, their round of adventures serves as a metaphor for timeless, repeating cycles and for the regeneration of earth and all living things. – Gene S. Stuart, Mayanist...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Warfare is generally understood to be the controlled and systematic waging of armed conflict between sovereign nations or states, using military might and strategy, until one opponent is defeated on the field or sues for peace in the face...
Mesopotamian Warfare
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Mesopotamian Warfare

Ancient Mesopotamian warfare progressed from companies of a city's militia in Sumer to the professional standing armies of Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia and from conflicts over land or water rights to wars of conquest and political...