Image Gallery
Ottoman Sword of State
An Ottoman sword of state, used during inauguration ceremonies for sultans. The sword was refitted in 1876 CE for the planned inauguration of the Ottoman sultan Murad V (r. 1876 CE). The sword is comprised of a 17th-century CE Iranian steel blade with an 18th-century CE Indian jade grip. Decorated with gold and gilded brass mounts of 19th-century CE workmanship, studded with silver, jade, diamonds, emeralds, and pearls. The emerald near the top of the scabbard hides a secret compartment containing a gold coin marked with the name of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient (r. 1520–1566 CE).
Length: 99.8 cm (39 1/4 in). Weight: 1023 g (2 lb 4 oz). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.