Image Gallery
Woman with Binoculars by Degas
A c. 1869-72 oil on card painting, Woman with Binoculars, by Edgar Degas (1834-1917), the French impressionist painter. Degas had a fixation for a time in presenting a woman looking directly at the viewer with binoculars, sometimes as a background figure or, as here, the main subject. The model was Lydia Cassat, sister of the impressionist painter and friend of the artist, Mary Cassatt (1844-1926). To give a female figure such a powerful hold over the viewer was then highly unusual. (Gemäldegalerie Neumeister, Dresden, Germany)
- Howard, Michael. Encyclopedia of Impressionism. Thunder Bay Pr, 1997.
- Kear, Jon. Degas. Lorenz Books, 2012.
- Rubin, James H & Lablanche, Dominique & Manss, Thomas. Impressionism A&I . Phaidon Press, 1999.
- Thomson, Belinda. Impressionism. Thames & Hudson, 2022.