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Image Gallery
Water Lilies, Green Reflection by Monet
A 1914 oil on canvas painting, Water Lilies, Green Reflection, by Claude Monet (1840-1926), the French impressionist painter. Painted in the artist's garden at Giverny and his purpose-built lily pond. Part of a massive series of works in terms of the number of canvases and size. This canvas measures 2 x 4.25 metres (79 x 167 in). (Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris)
- Hodge, Susie. Monet. Lorenz Books, 2010.
- Howard, Michael. Encyclopedia of Impressionism. Thunder Bay Pr, 1997.
- Rubin, James H & Lablanche, Dominique & Manss, Thomas. Impressionism A&I . Phaidon Press, 1999.
- Thomson, Belinda. Impressionism. Thames & Hudson, 2022.
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