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When Will You Marry? by Gauguin
An 1892 oil on canvas, When Will You Marry? (Nafea Faa Ipoipo), by Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) the French post-impressionist painter. Painted in Tahiti, the artist obviously valued this work highly since he set it as the most expensive in his Paris solo exhibition in November 1893. The painting also reflects the reality of Tahitian life in this period as colonialization made a greater ever impact on people's lives. One woman wears a native dress while the other the European clothes favoured by missionaries. The bride to be of the title question would seem to be the woman with the flower in her hair, as per local custom. (Kunstmuseum, Basel)
- Bouruet-Aubertot, Veronique. The Complete Book of Impressionism . Ji Mu Wen Hua, 2020.
- Denvir, Bernard. Post-Impressionism . Thames & Hudson, 1992.
- Hodge, Susie. Gauguin& Works in 500 Images. Lorenz Books, 2015.
- Howard, Michael. Encyclopedia of Impressionism. Thunder Bay Pr, 1997.
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