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Aethelflaed (r. 911-918) is best known for her political and military prowess. Daughter of King Alfred the Great of Wessex (r. 871-899), Aethelflaed married Aethelred II, Lord of the Mercians (r. 883-911). Upon his death, Aethelflaed became queen of Mercia, and was soon known as Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians. As queen, Aethelflaed played a critical role in defeating the Vikings, helped her brother, Edward the Elder (r. 899-924) to establish English rule, and consolidated the power of her realm to the benefit of future English rulers.
Depiction of Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians in the cartulary of Abingdon Abbey. British Library Cotton MS Claudius B VI, f.14.