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E-sagil Tablet & Building the Tower of Babel
This tablet states the dimensions of each of the seven levels of Etemenanki, the ziggurat of Marduk at Babylon. This building is the Tower of Babel in the Book of Genesis. From Babylon, Southern Mesopotamia, Iraq. Circa 600-400 BCE. (The British Museum, London)
Questions & Answers
What does the name Babylon mean?
- Babylon comes from the Akkadian word "Bav-il" meaning "Gate of the Gods."
Were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon real?
- Most modern-day scholars believe the Hanging Gardens were actually located in Nineveh during the time of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.
What was Babylon most famous for in ancient times?
- Babylon was famous as an intellectual, religious, and cultural center. It was also known for its great walls and the Ishtar Gate.
Who was the patron deity of Babylon?
- The patron deity of Babylon changed with the times but, primarily, was Marduk or Ishtar.
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