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Mud-Brick With a Dog's Paw Print from Ur
Mud brick stamped with the name and titles of the Neo-Sumerian king Ur-Nammu (r. 2047-2030 BCE, short chronology) from the ziggurat of Ur, southern Mesopotamia, Iraq. Note the dog's paw print; this "footprint" might well have been "stamped" accidentally during the formation/dryness of the brick.
The British Museum, London.
Questions & Answers
What is the oldest dog breed in the world?
- The Saluki is considered the oldest dog breed in the world. Evidence suggests it originated in 7000 BCE.
What is the most popular dog breed in the world?
- According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog is the most popular breed in the world followed closely by the labrador retriever.
What is the Colima Dog?
- Colima dogs are figurines found in Mesoamerican tombs thought to serve as guides and protectors for the soul in the journey to the afterlife.
When were dogs first domesticated?
- Dogs were first domesticated at least 29,000 years ago although evidence suggests it was much earlier.
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