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Silver Dogs from Bactria
Pair of silver dogs wearing hatched collars from the 3rd-2nd millennium BCE originating in Bactria in Central Asia. The dogs are 1.5 inches (4 cm) long with a vertical hole through each. It is thought they may have been worn as pendants on a necklace or could have been ornamental pins to secure a cloak or tunic. The metal stem would have gone through one end of the cloth, then through the hole in the silver dog, and fastened to another end of one's fabric.
Louvre, Paris.
Questions & Answers
What is the oldest dog breed in the world?
- The Saluki is considered the oldest dog breed in the world. Evidence suggests it originated in 7000 BCE.
What is the most popular dog breed in the world?
- According to the American Kennel Club, the French bulldog is the most popular breed in the world followed closely by the labrador retriever.
What is the Colima Dog?
- Colima dogs are figurines found in Mesoamerican tombs thought to serve as guides and protectors for the soul in the journey to the afterlife.
When were dogs first domesticated?
- Dogs were first domesticated at least 29,000 years ago although evidence suggests it was much earlier.
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