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Lion-Hunting Scene, King Ashurbanipal
Sculpted relief illustrating the sporting exploits of the last great Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal, North Palace, room C, panel 20-22, Nineveh, modern-day northern Iraq. Neo-Assyrian Empire, reign of King Ashurbanipal, 668-631 BCE.
In ancient Assyria, lion-hunting was considered the sport of kings, symbolic of the ruling monarch’s duty to protect and fight for his people.
The hunting scenes, full of tension and realism, rank among the finest achievements of Assyrian Art. They depict the release of the lions, the ensuing chase and the subsequent killing.
The British Museum, London.
Questions & Answers
What did the lion symbolize in ancient Mesopotamia?
- In ancient Mesopotamia, the lion symbolized the destructive forces of chaos and untamed nature, threatening order and civilization. The lion came to symbolize royal power in that the king defeated these forces and maintained order and stability.
What kind of lion lived in ancient Mesopotamia?
- The Asiatic lion lived in ancient Mesopotamia and appears in Mesopotamian art.
What was the purpose of the royal lion hunt in ancient Mesopotamia?
- The purpose of the royal lion hunt in ancient Mesopotamia was to show to the people how the king defeated the forces of chaos and destruction and could keep the people safe.
What is the most famous depiction of lions from ancient Mesopotamia?
- The most famous depiction of a lion from ancient Mesopotamia is the image of the Lion of Babylon on the Ishtar Gate. The Royal Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal, depicted in a series of reliefs from Nineveh, now on display at the British Museum, is also well-known.
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Lion Hunting: The Sport of Kings
The Lion in the East