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20th-Century Sepoy
Image by Major A.C. Lovett

20th-Century Sepoy

An early-20th-century painting by Major A.C. Lovett of a sepoy in the British Indian Army. (From The Armies of India, 1911)
18th-Century Alcohol Thermometer
Image by Science Museum, London

18th-Century Alcohol Thermometer

An 18th-century alcohol thermometer. Made in the Netherlands between 1720 and 1750. (Science Museum, London)
17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics
Image by Deutsche Fotothek

17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics

An early 17th-century illustration by Johann Jacob von Wallhausen showing the tactics of batteries of siege artillery to fire upon a specific point in the defensive fortifications.
19th-Century Christmas Card
Image by Victoria and Albert Museum, London

19th-Century Christmas Card

A late-19th century Christmas card showing a robin and snow scene. The border is perforated to resemble lace. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London) Orignal source note on usage: 'V&A Owned Content' in which the V&A owns copyright (or related...
Hydria (4th century BCE)
Image by Liana Miate

Hydria (4th century BCE)

The hydria, as its name indicates, was used almost exclusively for carrying water (Greek hydor), essential for everyday cleansing, ritual purifications and libations. 4th-century BCE. Made from bronze. (Hellenic Museum, Melbourne, Victoria)
Lydian Relief: 5th Century BCE
Image by Ronnie Jones III

Lydian Relief: 5th Century BCE

This relief of a male holding a bird is from the 5th century BCE, found in modern day western Turkey near the ancient city of Thyatira. Thyatira was named such by Seleucos I Nicator around 290 BCE but prior to that it was an important city...
British Isles at the Beginning of the 10th Century
Image by Ikonact

British Isles at the Beginning of the 10th Century

British Isles in 10th century represented with the coastline at the time.
Rank Badge with Qilin (16th–Early 17th Century)
Image by unknown

Rank Badge with Qilin (16th–Early 17th Century)

Rank badge with qilin, silk embroidery on silk gauze, unknown artist, 16th to early 17th century. This embroidered rank badge is from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was used to indicate military rank. Badges with a qilin, a Chinese mythological...
Family Tree of the Royal Dynasty of Macedon in the 4th Century BCE
Image by David Grant

Family Tree of the Royal Dynasty of Macedon in the 4th Century BCE

Family tree of the Royal Dynasty of Macedon in the 4th Century BCE. From Unearthing the Family of Alexander the Great. Grant (2019) p76. Used with permission from Pen & Sword Books.
Central Europe 5th century CE
Image by Varoon Arya

Central Europe 5th century CE

Map showing central Europe in the 5th century CE.