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16th Century Morion Helmet
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

16th Century Morion Helmet

A typical steel morion helmet, a type worn across Europe in the 16th century and worn by conquistadors in the New World. Italian, c. 1570. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
17th Century Tortuga
Image by Unknown Artist

17th Century Tortuga

A 17th-century illustration of the buccaneer and pirate base of Tortuga, located on the northwest coast of Hispaniola (modern Haiti and the Dominican Republic).
Knights in Armour, 15th century CE
Image by Brad

Knights in Armour, 15th century CE

Knights in armour typical of the 15th century CE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
East Roman Empire, 6th century CE
Image by William R. Shepherd

East Roman Empire, 6th century CE

East Roman Empire, 6th century CE, showing the territories of the Avars, Goths, Franks, Lombards, Saxons, Thuringians, Slavs.
18th-Century Microscope
Image by Science Museum, London

18th-Century Microscope

An early 18th-century microscope designed and made by John Marshall. It is a compound microscope, that is, it uses three lenses. Made of brass, wood, and other materials. (Science Museum, London)
18th-Century Advertisement for Virginia Tobacco
Image by The British Museum

18th-Century Advertisement for Virginia Tobacco

An 18th-century woodcut advertisement for Virginia tobacco. The image shows child slaves working on a tobacco plantation. (British Museum, London)
Monte Cassino in the 15th Century
Image by Schedel1

Monte Cassino in the 15th Century

Illustration of Monte Cassino in the 15th-century Nuremberg Chronicle. Published in Nuremberg, Germany, 1493.
18th-century Mughal Miniature Quran
Image by Victoria & Albert Museum

18th-century Mughal Miniature Quran

A miniature Qur'an in vellum binding. Mughal Empire, 18th century. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
18th-Century Alcohol Thermometer
Image by Science Museum, London

18th-Century Alcohol Thermometer

An 18th-century alcohol thermometer. Made in the Netherlands between 1720 and 1750. (Science Museum, London)
Roman Forum in the 5th Century BCE
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Roman Forum in the 5th Century BCE

A painting of the Roman Forum as it probably would have appeared in the 5th Century BCE. By Vilius Petrauskas. Courtesy of Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.