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View of Edo Castle in the 17th Century
Image by Unknown Artist

View of Edo Castle in the 17th Century

View of Edo on a pair of six-panel folding screens, 17th century.
Knights in Armour, 15th century CE
Image by Brad

Knights in Armour, 15th century CE

Knights in armour typical of the 15th century CE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
5th Century BCE Demareteion Coin
Image by Gina Pardo

5th Century BCE Demareteion Coin

An illustration of the so-called Demaretéion is a silver coin of ancient Syracuse (weighing around 43 g) rather rare and worth 10 drachmas. It is also known as a pentekontalitron because it was equivalent to 50 litrae (the litra was a silver...
17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics
Image by Deutsche Fotothek

17th-Century Siege Artillery Tactics

An early 17th-century illustration by Johann Jacob von Wallhausen showing the tactics of batteries of siege artillery to fire upon a specific point in the defensive fortifications.
Rank Badge with Qilin (16th–Early 17th Century)
Image by unknown

Rank Badge with Qilin (16th–Early 17th Century)

Rank badge with qilin, silk embroidery on silk gauze, unknown artist, 16th to early 17th century. This embroidered rank badge is from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was used to indicate military rank. Badges with a qilin, a Chinese mythological...
19th-Century Coach Caught in Snow
Image by Mark Cartwright

19th-Century Coach Caught in Snow

A picture of a 19th-century coach caught in the snow. From a tin produced by Excelvit. (Private Collection)
Rank Badge with Qilin (Late 17th Century)
Image by Unknown Artist

Rank Badge with Qilin (Late 17th Century)

Rank badge with qilin, silk and metallic thread embroidery on plain-weave silk patterned in gauze, by an unknown artist, China, late 17th century China. This embroidered rank badge is from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and was used to indicate...
17th-Century Wheellock Carbine
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

17th-Century Wheellock Carbine

A French 17th-century wheellock carbine. This type of weapon was typically used by cavalrymen, for example, during the English Civil Wars. (1642-51). This example is particularly ornate since it was possibly made for Louis XIII of France...
Sri Lanka, Early 17th Century
Image by Nishadhi

Sri Lanka, Early 17th Century

Political situation in Sri Lanka, early 17th century.
Lydian Relief: 5th Century BCE
Image by Ronnie Jones III

Lydian Relief: 5th Century BCE

This relief of a male holding a bird is from the 5th century BCE, found in modern day western Turkey near the ancient city of Thyatira. Thyatira was named such by Seleucos I Nicator around 290 BCE but prior to that it was an important city...