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Definition by Mark Cartwright


Demeter was one of the oldest gods in the ancient Greek pantheon. Demeter was a goddess of agriculture and guaranteed the fertility of the earth. She protected both farming and vegetation. The close connection with the earth was inherited...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Ninurta (identified with Ningirsu, Pabilsag, and the biblical Nimrod) is the Sumerian and Akkadian hero-god of war, hunting, and the south wind. He first appears in texts in the early 3rd millennium BCE as an agricultural god and local deity...
Food in the Roman World
Article by Mark Cartwright

Food in the Roman World

The ancient Mediterranean diet revolved around four staples, which, even today, continue to dominate restaurant menus and kitchen tables: cereals, vegetables, olive oil and wine. Seafood, cheese, eggs, meat and many types of fruit were also...
Jobs in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Jobs in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, the people sustained the government and the government reciprocated. Egypt had no cash economy until the coming of the Persians in 525 BCE. The people worked the land, the government collected the bounty and then distributed...
Mesopotamia: Government & Religion
Lesson Pack by Marion Wadowski

Mesopotamia: Government & Religion

This lesson pack on government and religion in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Three Lesson Plans Rise of City States Temples & Divine Kingship Code of Hammurabi Additional Materials Open Questions / Essay Questions...
The Impact of the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Impact of the British Industrial Revolution

The consequences of the British Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) were many, varied, and long-lasting. Working life in rural and urban settings was changed forever by the inventions of new machines, the spread of factories, and the decline...
Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies
Article by Emma Groeneveld

Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Societies

Hunter-gatherer societies are – true to their astoundingly descriptive name – cultures in which human beings obtain their food by hunting, fishing, scavenging, and gathering wild plants and other edibles. Although there are still groups of...
The Portuguese Colonization of the Azores
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Portuguese Colonization of the Azores

The Azores (Açores) are a North Atlantic island group, which was uninhabited before being colonized by the Portuguese from 1439. The Azores were strategically important for Portuguese mariners to use as a stepping stone to progress down the...
Ancient Greece
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Greece

Greece is a country in southeastern Europe, known in Greek as Hellas or Ellada, and consisting of a mainland and an archipelago of islands. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of Western philosophy (Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle), literature...
Kikuyu People
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Kikuyu People

The Kikuyu people (aka Gikuyu or Agikuyu) are a Bantu-speaking people who occupied territory in what is today central Kenya in East Africa from the 17th century onwards. They established themselves primarily as agriculturalists around Mount...