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Tribute Bearers, Tomb of Rekhmire
Facsimile of a painting of foreigners bearing tribute in the form of timber, ebony, ivory and animals. On the far right, a man carrying ebony leads a cheetah on a leash. Behind him walks a man with timber and an animal (possibly an aardvark...

Amarna Letter from Labayu
This clay tablet is part of the Amarna letters. This letter was sent from Labayu, ruler of Shechem to the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III or Akhenaten. Labayu denies accusation of treachery and failure to comply with the pharaoh's orders...

Vizier Rekhmire Receiving Offerings
A depiction from the tomb of the vizier Rekhmire showing him and his mother receiving offerings. Rekhmire served under the pharaohs Thutmose III (1458-1425 BCE) and his son Amenhotep II (1425-1400 BCE). (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York...

Shabti Box
Painted wooden shabti box of of the priest of Amun Amenhotep containing blue faience shabtis. There are 6 columns of Hieroglyphic inscription on one side. From Thebes, Egypt. 21st Dynasty, 1070-945 BCE. (The British Museum, London)

Funeral Mask of Queen Tiye
The funeral mask of the Egyptian queen Tiye, 1398-1338 BCE. Tiye was the wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten, and grandmother of both Tutankhamun and Ankhsenamun.(Altes Museum, Berlin)

Funerary Figurine of a Servant
This statuette is made of wood, as a piece of funerary equipment, and depicts a female servant. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep III, 1388-1351 BCE. Probably from Thebes, Egypt. (The Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany).

Side Panel, Colossus of Memnon
A side panel from one of the two figures known as the Colossi of Memnon representing Amenhotep III, 18th Dynasty, 14th century BCE. Either side of the panel are figures of
Hapi and Tiy. Luxor, Egypt.

Stela of Scribe Amenemhat
Kneeling statue of Amenemhat, holding a stela and praying to the sun. He was the scribe of the grain of Amun. Limestone. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep III, 1388-1351 BCE. From Egypt, precise provenance unknown. (The Neues...

Amarna Letter from Biridiya
This clay tablet is part of the Amarna letters. This letter was sent from Biridiya (King of Megiddo) to the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III or Akhenaten. Biridiya accuses the King of Acco of treachery by releasing the captured Hapiru leader...

Menit Necklace
18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352 BCE)
Bronze or copper alloy, faience, glass, agate, carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise
Metropolitan Museum of Art