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Amenhotep II
Granite statue of Amenhotep II, Dynasty XVIII (1427-1401 BCE). From the temple of Amun, Thebes. Amenhotep holds two spherical wine vessels in offering to the god Nu. (Egyptian Museum, Turin)

Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III (c. 1386-1353 BCE) was the ninth king of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. He is also known as Nebma'atre, Amenophis III, Amunhotep II, and Amana-Hatpa, all of which relate to the concept of the god Amun being satisfied or, as in the...

Amenhotep II & Thutmose III offering to Amun-Ra & Ra-Harachte
Relief in the Temple of Amada depicting Amenhotep II (1427-1401 BCE) making an offering to Amun-Ra while his father on the right Thutmose III (r. 1458-1425 BCE) makes an offering to Ra-Harachte. The Temple of Amada is the oldest temple ever...

Colossi of Memnon
The Colossi of Memnon (also known as el-Colossat or el-Salamat) are two monumental statues representing Amenhotep III (1386-1353 BCE) of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. They are located west of the modern city of Luxor and face east looking toward...

New Kingdom of Egypt
The New Kingdom (c. 1570- c.1069 BCE) is the era in Egyptian history following the disunity of the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782-1570 BCE) and preceding the dissolution of the central government at the start of the Third Intermediate...

Vase Inscribed with the Cartouches of Amenhotep II
This faience vase was inscribed with cartouches of the birth (nomen) and throne (prenomen) names of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep II. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep II, 1427-1400 BCE. Probably from the Valley of the Kings...

Wall Decorations from the Tomb of Amenhotep II
These two fragments were part of wall decoration of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep II. They depict deities (with long curled beard) wearing the crown of Lower Egypt (left) and Upper Egypt (right). New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, reigned...

Tiye (also known as Tiy, 1398-1338 BCE) was a queen of Egypt of the 18th dynasty, wife of the pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten, and grandmother of both Tutankhamun and Ankhsenamun. She exerted an enormous influence at the courts...

Head of Amenhotep II
Granodiorite head of a sphinx of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep II. From the cachette of Karnak temples, Egypt. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, 1420 BCE. (State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, Germany).

Lintel of Amenhotep II
Two symmetrical scenes of the king presenting pots of water or wine to Amun-Ra, "King of the Gods", from Bubastis (Tell Basta), reused in the temple of Bastet, Egypt 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep II, c, 1427-1400 BCE. During the Amarna...