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The Steam Engine in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Steam Engine in the British Industrial Revolution

Steam power was one of the most significant developments of the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) in Britain. First invented as a pump in the 1690s, a host of inventors tweaked designs and tinkered with machinery until an efficient and powerful...
Interview: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Interview by Sam Freeman

Interview: American School of Classical Studies at Athens

The American School of Classical Studies in Greece has been running its operations since the 19th century CE, with excavations across the country and an academic program that runs throughout the summer and fall. They are arguably the most...
The Textile Industry in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Textile Industry in the British Industrial Revolution

During the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840), textile production was transformed from a cottage industry to a highly mechanised one where workers were present only to make sure the carding, spinning, and weaving machines never stopped. Driven...
Native American Enslavement in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Native American Enslavement in Colonial America

Slavery was practiced by the Native Americans before any Europeans arrived in the region. People of one tribe could be taken by another for a variety of reasons but, whatever the reason, it was understood that the enslaved had done something...
Coal Mining in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Coal Mining in the British Industrial Revolution

Coal mining boomed during the British Industrial Revolution as it provided fuel for steam engines of all kinds in factories, transport, and agriculture. Draining flooded mines to extract more coal was the reason the steam engine was invented...
17 Key Figures of the French Revolution
Collection by Harrison W. Mark

17 Key Figures of the French Revolution

The French Revolution (1789-1799) was one of the defining events of Western history. Triggered by economic troubles, political turmoil, and social inequality, the Revolution saw the French people topple their ancient monarchy, proclaim their...
Astronomy in the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Astronomy in the Scientific Revolution

The astronomers of the Scientific Revolution rejected long-held theories of ancient thinkers like Claudius Ptolemy and Aristotle and instead set out to systematically observe the heavens in order to create a model of the universe that fit...
Twelve Famous Native American Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Famous Native American Women

Native American women are traditionally held in high regard among the diverse nations, whether a given people are matrilineal or patrilineal. Traditionally, women were not only responsible for raising children and caring for the home but...
Buffalo and Eagle Wing & The American Indian Boarding School
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Buffalo and Eagle Wing & The American Indian Boarding School

Buffalo and Eagle Wing is a legend of the Plains Indians culture of North America, which is part origin myth and part cautionary tale on the importance of keeping one's promises. Although scholars agree on the general provenance of the tale...
The Railways in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Railways in the British Industrial Revolution

The railways were perhaps the most visible element of the Industrial Revolution for many. Trains powered by steam engines carried goods and people faster than ever before and reached new destinations, connecting businesses to new markets...