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Observatories in the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Observatories in the Scientific Revolution

The foundation of observatories during the Scientific Revolution (1500-1700) followed a process of evolution from entirely independent observatories operated by a single astronomer to private observatories which received state or private...
Trade Unions in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Trade Unions in the British Industrial Revolution

Trade unions were formed in Britain during the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) to protect workers from unnecessary risks using dangerous machines, unhealthy working conditions, and excessive hours of work. The trade union movement was vigorously...
The Steel Industry in the British Industrial Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Steel Industry in the British Industrial Revolution

The production of steel during the British Industrial Revolution became cheaper and more reliable thanks to the Bessemer converter, a type of blast furnace that removed undesirable impurities from pig iron. The superior strength and durability...
Dynamics of the Neolithic Revolution
Article by James Hancock

Dynamics of the Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution began between 10,000 and 12,000 years ago at several widely dispersed locations across the world, when our ancestors first began planting and raising crops. Agricultural communities sprang up almost simultaneously...
The Thermometer & the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Thermometer & the Scientific Revolution

The thermometer was invented in the mid-17th century during the Scientific Revolution when scientists began to search for an accurate instrument to measure a wide range of temperatures using a scale that could be compared with other readings...
Clocks in the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Clocks in the Scientific Revolution

Keeping good time proved an elusive objective for centuries, and it was only in the second half of the 17th century, during the Scientific Revolution (1500-1700), that clocks were made which lost seconds rather than minutes each day. The...
Twelve Famous Native American Women
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Famous Native American Women

Native American women are traditionally held in high regard among the diverse nations, whether a given people are matrilineal or patrilineal. Traditionally, women were not only responsible for raising children and caring for the home but...
Buffalo and Eagle Wing & The American Indian Boarding School
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Buffalo and Eagle Wing & The American Indian Boarding School

Buffalo and Eagle Wing is a legend of the Plains Indians culture of North America, which is part origin myth and part cautionary tale on the importance of keeping one's promises. Although scholars agree on the general provenance of the tale...
The Telescope & the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Telescope & the Scientific Revolution

The invention of the telescope in 1608 is usually credited to the Dutchman Hans Lippershey. The astronomical telescope became one of the most important of all instruments during the Scientific Revolution when figures like Galileo (1564-1642...
Women Scientists in the Scientific Revolution
Article by Mark Cartwright

Women Scientists in the Scientific Revolution

Women scientists during the Scientific Revolution (1500-1700) were few in number because male-dominated educational institutions, as well as scientific societies and academies, barred women entry, meaning that few had the education or opportunity...