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Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess Full Text & Summary
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Chaucer's The Book of the Duchess Full Text & Summary

The Book of the Duchess is the first major work of the English poet Geoffrey Chaucer (l. c. 1343-1400 CE), best known for his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, composed in the last twelve years of his life and left unfinished at his death...
Daily Life in the Inca Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Daily Life in the Inca Empire

Daily life in the Inca empire was characterised by strong family relationships, agricultural labour, sometimes enforced state or military service for males, and occasional lighter moments of festivities to celebrate important life events...
The Ancient Synagogue in Israel & the Diaspora
Article by Dana Murray

The Ancient Synagogue in Israel & the Diaspora

A unique and fundamental aspect of ancient Judean society in both Israel and the Diaspora, the ancient synagogue represents an inclusive, localized form of worship that did not crystallize until the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. In...
Inca Mummies
Article by Mark Cartwright

Inca Mummies

The Inca civilization of Peru, as with many other ancient Andean cultures, mummified many of their dead and buried them with valuable materials such as precious metal jewellery, fine pottery, and sumptuous textiles. Important mummies could...
Scythian Religion
Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Scythian Religion

Scythian religion appears to be an amalgam of belief in a pantheon of gods grafted to more ancient animal reverence and shamanistic practice. According to their burial finds, the Scythians appear to have had a deep affinity with the animals...
Legacy of the Ancient Romans
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Legacy of the Ancient Romans

The legacy of the ancient Romans – from both the time of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and the time of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - 476 CE) – exerted a significant influence on succeeding cultures and is still felt around the world in the...
Festivals in Ancient Egypt
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Festivals in Ancient Egypt

The gods of the ancient Egyptians were always apparent to the people through natural events. The sunrise was Ra emerging from the underworld in his great ship, for example, and the moon was the god Khonsu traveling across the night sky. When...
Henry IV of France & the Edict of Nantes
Article by Stephen M Davis

Henry IV of France & the Edict of Nantes

Henry of Navarre became the nominal ruler of France after the assassination of Henry III of France (r. 1574-1589), whose marriage to Louise de Lorraine produced no heir. After years of attempts to deny the throne to Navarre, his enemies realized...
Angels in Ancient Judaism
Article by Rebecca Denova

Angels in Ancient Judaism

The concept and function of angels in ancient Judaism were some of the many elements incorporated from contemporary cultures and religious views. The Hebrew malakh was translated into the Greek angelos, both of which indicated not their nature...
Wall Reliefs: Apkallus of the North-West Palace at Nimrud
Article by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Wall Reliefs: Apkallus of the North-West Palace at Nimrud

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. (Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right). When it comes to religion, many people...