Search Results

Health Care and Epidemics in Antiquity: The Example of Ancient Mesopotamia
June 26, 2006 Walter Farber, Professor of Assyriology, University of Chicago From the "Epidemics Then & Now: Infectious Diseases Around the World," the 2006 University of Chicago Summer Institute for Educators. Co-sponsored by the Center...

Never Seen: The Trace of a Jewish Spirit from Mesopotamia
The Story Begins from a Dead End August 25, 2015 was a very hot day of summer but its omen was a very promising one! That day, I was with my friend, Mr. Hashim Hama Abdulla, director of the Sulaymaniyah Museum in Iraq, walking in the main...

Lesson Pack
Mesopotamia: Geography, Economy & Trade
This lesson pack on geography, economy and trade in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Lesson Plans Mesopotamia's Geography Resources & Trade Additional Materials Open Questions / Essay Questions Quiz Questions...

Lesson Pack
Mesopotamia: Empires & Warfare
This lesson pack on empires and warfare in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Two Lesson Plans Assyrian & Akkadian Empires Mesopotamian Warfare Additional Materials Open Questions / Essay Questions Quiz Questions...

Lesson Pack
Mesopotamia: Government & Religion
This lesson pack on government and religion in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Three Lesson Plans Rise of City States Temples & Divine Kingship Code of Hammurabi Additional Materials Open Questions / Essay Questions...

Lesson Pack
Mesopotamia: Innovations & Agriculture
This lesson pack on innovations and agriculture in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Two Lesson Plans The Wheel & Advancements in Agriculture Cuneiform, Literature & Libraries Additional Materials Open Questions...

Lesson Pack
Mesopotamia: Daily Life
This lesson pack on daily life in ancient Mesopotamia includes the following content: Three Lesson Plans Social Classes Food, Fashion & Social Events The Family Unit Additional Materials Open Questions / Essay Questions Quiz Questions...

Mesopotamia: Government & Religion
The polytheistic religion of ancient Mesopotamia was instrumental in shaping its government and held great significance in the lives of its people. Mesopotamian religion revolved around the belief that humans were created to work alongside...

Literature of Mesopotamia
The literature of Mesopotamia dates from c. 2600 BCE when scribes began composing original works in the region of Sumer. The Sumerians invented writing c. 3500 BCE, but it was then mostly used for record-keeping. The literature of ancient...

Life in Mesopotamia
Even though Mesopotamia was never a single unified civilization, people led their lives following similar principles throughout the region and across time periods. As the birthplace of cities, agriculture, writing, and civilization in general...