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Ancient Rome’s Most Notorious Doctor - Ramon Glazov
Learn about the Greek physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon, whose experiments and discoveries changed medicine. — In the 16th century, an anatomist named Andreas Vesalius made a shocking discovery: the most famous human anatomy...

Common Types of Gladiators in Ancient Rome
An illustration depicting the most common gladiator types in ancient Rome. These professional fighters, drawn from various backgrounds including slaves, prisoners of war, and volunteers, underwent rigorous training to master the use of weapons...

Lupercalia in Ancient Rome
The Lupercalian festival in Rome: Cupid and Personifications of Fertility encounter the Luperci dressed as dogs and goats, a pen and ink drawing by the Circle of Adam Elsheimer (1578-1610).

Campaign Map in Aggressors: Ancient Rome
Screenshot of the game Aggressors: Ancient Rome showing the campaign map.

Political Map - Aggressors: Ancient Rome
Screenshot from the game Aggressors: Ancient Rome showing the political map.

The Roads of Ancient Rome
An infographic illustrating the typical structure of Roman roads. It is believed that the Romans adopted the craft of road construction from the Etruscans, and as the empire grew, they incorporated ideas and techniques from other cultures...

Government & Society in Ancient Rome
Roman Government society Consul Praetor Aedile Quaestor Censor Plebeians Patricians Equites Freedmen SPQR Tribal Assembly Centuriate Assembly The Senate The Tribune

Gladiatorial Combat in Ancient Rome
Artist's impression of what gladiatorial combat in ancient Rome may have looked like. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.

Daily Life in Ancient Rome
Daily life ancient Rome villa insula domus atrium compluvium cubiculum culina impluvium lararium peristylium posticum tablinum taberna triclinium vestibulum paterfamilias materfamilias Circus Maximus factions amphitheater Colosseum baths...

Innovations & Architecture in Ancient Rome
Innovations Innovation architecture roman ancient Rome Aqueducts Bridges Basilicas Roman baths Temples Theatres Amphitheatres Triumphal Arches The Horrea Corinthian Doric Ionic Patronage