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Capitoline Insula - Ancient Rome Live
Insula (plural: insulae) was an ancient Latin term for a city block, but it was also the name of a type of tenement building common in ancient Roman cities. These cramped, often haphazardly constructed buildings usually had lower levels made...

Forum Holitorium - Ancient Rome Live
The Forum Holitorium was the vegetable and oil market of ancient Rome, and was nestled between the Forum Boarium (Rome's cattle market) and the Campus Martius. Learn more about Ancient Rome at This content...

Forum Boarium - Ancient Rome Live
The Forum Boarium was a food and cattle market in ancient Rome - as well as the site of the first gladiatorial match in Rome. Learn more about Ancient Rome at This content is brought to you by The American...

An Introduction to the Punic Wars - Ancient Rome vs. Carthage
Did you know that Carthage lost the Punic Wars primarily by not supporting its troops? This video is all about the Punic Wars between Carthage and Rome and how the Carthaginians were defeated, mainly, by their refusal to support their generals...

Ten Fun Facts About Ancient Rome that you Need to Know!
Ancient Roman culture affected vast numbers of people across the known world of its time, beginning with the rise of the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE) and throughout the duration of the Roman Empire (27 BCE - c. 476 CE in the West and 1453...

Pons Cestius - Ancient Rome Live
The Pons Cestius one of the bridges from ancient Rome that is still standing and use, connecting traffic from Trastevere to the Tiber Island. From the 1st Century BCE, to substantial rebuilding in the fourth, then again in the late 19th...

Roman Theaters - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Theaters in Rome were constructed temporarily in the Republican era for annual festivals, notably for Magna Mater on the Palatine and Apollo in the Campus Martius. The structures were made of wood and set up fo the performances, then dismantled...

Amphitheatrum (Amphitheaters) General - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
This is a uniquely Roman structure whose definition, a theater with seating on all sides, borrows from the Greek terms “amphi” on all sides and theater, a Greek construction, specifically created viewing gladiatorial spectacles in the central...

Basilica of Neptune - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
The term comes from the Greek word “kingly hall” to describe the covered public hall or stoa that the Romans first built in the forum area in the 2nd century BCE for conducting legal and business activities. The Basilica Porcia was first...

Basilicas (General) - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
The term comes from the Greek word “kingly hall” to describe the covered public hall or stoa that the Romans first built in the forum area in the 2nd Century BCE for conducting legal and business activities. The Basilica Porcia was first...