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National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
Learn about the ancient Etruscans at the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, arguably the most important collection of ancient art about the Etruscans and ancient Italic cultures. Join Archaeologist Darius Arya of #ancientromelive...

Arch of Augustus in the Roman Forum - Ancient Rome Live
Located in the Roman Forum, between the Temple of Divus Julius and Temple of the Castores, this triple arch celebrated either Augustus' victory over Cleopatra and Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 30 BCE (Actium Arch) or celebrated his...

Temple of Hadrian - Ancient Rome Live
The Temple of Hadrian was for the deified emperor Hadrian, who reigned 117-138 CE. He was buried in his new mausoleum, and his temple was close to the Pantheon in the Campus Martius. The massive temple is partially intact today, part of...

El Djem, Tunisia - Ancient Rome Live
Ancient Thysdrus (the modern city of El Djem, Tunisia) was one of the largest cities in the entire Roman province of Africa. The city's wealth came from its cross-roads position and control of a massive production of olive oil and grain...

Archaic Burials in the Roman Forum - Ancient Rome Live
In the Roman Forum, next to the Temple of Faustina and Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 CE) and Faustina, along the Via Sacra, 19th Century CE excavators discovered a burial ground dating back to primordial Rome: 9th- 6th Centuries BCE. An incredible...

Basilica Aemilia-Paulli - Ancient Rome Live
The Basilica Aemilia- Paulli is a law court in the Roman Forum is a rich history. The first basilica built on this site was the 2nd Century BCE. The definitive structure on site was built by Augustus (though in Paullus' name) with a massive...

The Dacians - Ancient Rome Live
The Dacians were a Thracian people that lived in modern-day Romania. They came in conflict with Rome as it expanded, but wars never reached their climax until Trajan (98-117 CE) declared war on Dacia in 102 CE. After Trajan won the wars...

Temple of Faustina & Antoninus Pius - Ancient Rome Live
Located in the Roman Forum, this is one of the best-preserved temples in Rome. The temple was dedicated to Faustina and then Antoninus Pius. It is so well preserved because the temple was converted into the Church of St. Lawrence of the...

House of the Vestal Virgins (Atrium Vestae) - Ancient Rome Live
The house of the Vestal Virgins is one of the most famous sites in the Roman Forum area. Six Vestals cared for the sacred flame of the Temple of Vesta and many other sacred duties, for 30 years of service, under the guidance of the Pontifex...

Ara Pacis Augustae - Ancient Rome Live (AIRC)
The Ara Pacis is one of the finest sculptural creations from the reign of Augustus, and its level of preservation is remarkable. It is currently housed in the Ara Pacis Museum, dedicated in 2006 CE (designed by Richard Meier) which presents...