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Athenian Propylaea Reconstruction
Image by Immanuel Gial

Athenian Propylaea Reconstruction

An illustration of the Propylaea or monumental gateway of the Athenian acropolis, 5th century BCE.
Athenian Silver Tetradrachm
Image by Mark Cartwright

Athenian Silver Tetradrachm

Athenian silver tetradrachm, depicting Athena on the obverse and an owl with an olive branch on the reverse, 479-454 BCE. Alpha Bank Numismatics Collection, Kerkyra, Corfu.
Speaker's Platform at the Athenian Assembly
Image by Jasmine Sahu

Speaker's Platform at the Athenian Assembly

Stone cut steps leading up to the speaker's platform at the Athenian Assembly on Pynx
Athenian Hoplites
Image by The Creative Assembly

Athenian Hoplites

A 3D representation of Athenian hoplites in battle. The Gorgon device on the central figure's shield was a typical feature of Greek shield design. In Greek mythology the stare of the Gorgon Medusa was said to turn people to stone.
Athenian Horseman Grave Stele
Image by James Blake Wiener

Athenian Horseman Grave Stele

The marble grave stele of an Athenian horseman. Attica, 370s BCE. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow)
The Athenian Assembly
Image by Jasmine Sahu

The Athenian Assembly

Remains of the Athenian Assembly on the Pynx
Athenian Agora and Acropolis
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Athenian Agora and Acropolis

Artist's impression of a view across the Agora on an early summer evening, looking southeast towards the Acropolis. Trees and plants had been planted in the Agora from the time of Cimon in the mid fifth century BC. Left of centre is the Altar...
Propylaea, Athenian Acropolis
Image by Mark Cartwright

Propylaea, Athenian Acropolis

The Propylaea, the monumental gate to the acropolis of Athens. Interior (west) view. Architect: Mnesicles, c. 437–431 BCE.
Athenian Silver Tetradrachm
Image by Mark Cartwright

Athenian Silver Tetradrachm

Silver tetradrachm from Athens, 479-454 BCE. O: Head of Athena. R: Owl and olive branch.
The Pentecontaetia
Definition by Christopher Planeaux

The Pentecontaetia

The Pentecontaetia (Pentekontætia, πεντηκονταετία) or “the account of the fifty years” is a term first used by Thucydides to describe, in Book 1, Sections 89 to 117 (1.89-117) of his History of the Peloponnesian War, the period between the...