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Definition by Donald L. Wasson


Lysimachus (c. 361-281 BCE) was one of Alexander the Great's trusted bodyguards and a member of his Companion Cavalry. Although he obtained Macedonian citizenship, his father was a Thessalian named Agathocles. After the death of Alexander...
Definition by Arienne King


The Dodekaschoinos (literally "Twelve Cities" in Greek) was the name of a region in Lower Nubia that became an important province of the Ptolemaic Kingdom after it was annexed from Meroitic Nubia by the Egyptian kingdom. The area fell under...
Early Judaism
Article by William Brown

Early Judaism

During the period of early Judaism (6th century BCE - 70 CE), Judean religion began to develop ideas which diverged significantly from 10th-to-7th-centuries BCE Israelite and Judean religion. In particular, this period marks a significant...
Illyria - Exploring Ancient Albania
Article by Carole Raddato

Illyria - Exploring Ancient Albania

Albania is located at the crossroads of the eastern Adriatic and was known as Illyria and Epirus throughout the Classical era. It played a strategic role in ancient times and was a point of contact between Illyrian, Greek, and Roman civilizations...
Was Cleopatra Beautiful?
Article by Branko van Oppen

Was Cleopatra Beautiful?

The idea that Cleopatra VII (69-30 BCE), the famous last queen of ancient Egypt, owed her powerful position to her beauty persists. “The nose of Cleopatra: if it had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have changed,” the French...
Vase Fragment Portraying Berenike II as Isis-Aphrodite
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Vase Fragment Portraying Berenike II as Isis-Aphrodite

This fragment came from a wine jug (referred to as "oinochoai") that was used for pouring libations during festivals of the Ptolemaic dynastic cult. This particular jug was crafted around 246-221 BCE. Berenike II is portrayed on this fragment...
Coma Berenices
Image by Harvard University

Coma Berenices

On this celestial globe, made by the Flemish cartographer Gerard Mercator (Louvain, 1551), the Coma Berenices (here called “Cincinnus”) is shown between the constellations Boötes (“Bubulcus”) and Virgo; the globe projects the constellations...
The Ptolemaic Dynasty of Ancient Egypt: From Ptolemy I to Cleopatra VII
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Ptolemaic Dynasty of Ancient Egypt: From Ptolemy I to Cleopatra VII

The Ptolemaic dynasty in Ancient Egypt began under the rule of Ptolemy I Soter, whose goal was to make Egypt great again and he did that by putting the country back on solid economic and administrative footing, and it ended with Cleopatra...