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Definition by Ludwig Heinrich Dyck


The Cimbri were a tribe who lived in northern Jutland during the Roman era. Their ethnicity is enigmatic; scholars generally believe that the Cimbri were Germans, though others maintain that they were Celts. The late 2nd-century BCE migration...
Celtic Warrior, Gaul
Image by Chatsam

Celtic Warrior, Gaul

A Celtic warrior statue from Gaul. Bronze with glass inlay, 1st century BCE or 1st century CE. From Saint-Maur-en-Chaussée, Oise, France. (Musée départemental de l'Oise)
Celtic Parade Helmet
Image by Xuan Che

Celtic Parade Helmet

A Celtic parade helmet in bronze and iron covered in gold with coral inlay, c. 350 BCE. Found buried in a cave in Agris, western France. It is a fine example of the use of vegetal motifs in ancient Celtic art. (Bernisches Historisches Museum...
Mšecké Žehrovice Hero
Image by Miroslav Zachoval

Mšecké Žehrovice Hero

The "Mšecké Žehrovice Hero" (also known as the "Mšecké Žehrovice Head") is a late 2nd Century BCE or early 1st Century BCE limestone bust of a Celtic warrior. The male figure wears a Celtic torc necklace, and has stylized facial features...
Article by bisdent


Epona was a Celtic goddess. Her name contains an allusion to the horse: in Celtic, "epos" means “horse” and the suffix “-ona” affixed simply means “on”. Epona is the patron goddess of mares and foals. The oldest information about the Gallic...
Painted Celtic Warriors
Image by SEGA

Painted Celtic Warriors

An artist's impression of how Celtic warriors may have looked in battle. Roman writers describe such warriors as wearing blue paint, having long hair dyed blond using lime and clothing with distinctive patterns.
Celtic Warriors
Image by Amplitude Studios

Celtic Warriors

Artist's impression of Celtic warriors standing on a hill. Created by Amplitude Studios for the video game Humankind.
Celtic Warrior, Braganza Brooch
Image by The British Museum

Celtic Warrior, Braganza Brooch

A detail of the Braganza Brooch showing a Celtic warrior with shield and helmet. Iberian, gold, 250-200 BCE. Length: 14 centimetres. The British Museum, London.
Celtic Warrior
Image by Carole Raddato

Celtic Warrior

Terracotta statuette of a warrior carrying a Celtic shield. He is depicted with long hair, drooping moustache, trousers and a tunic. 2nd century CE. (Ashmolean Museum, UK)
Artist's Impression of Celtic Warriors
Image by Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers

Artist's Impression of Celtic Warriors

Artist's impression of ancient Celtic warriors by Zvonimir Grbasic. Copyright, republished with permission from Ancient History Magazine / Karwansaray Publishers.