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Interior of Arates Monastery in Central Armenia
Image by James Blake Wiener

Interior of Arates Monastery in Central Armenia

The Arates Monastery in Armenia is built on top of a hill and overlooks the Arates tributary of the Yeghegis River. The monastery's name came from the combination of “ari” ("come" in Armenian) and “tes” ("see" in Armenian). It is likely that...
Ruined Interior of Arates Monastery in Central Armenia
Image by James Blake Wiener

Ruined Interior of Arates Monastery in Central Armenia

The Arates Monastery in Armenia is built on top of a hill and overlooks the Arates tributary of the Yeghegis River. The monastery's name came from the combination of “ari” ("come" in Armenian) and “tes” ("see" in Armenian). It is likely that...
Columbarium 1 at Vigna Codini: Loculi & Central Pillar
Image by Francesca Santoro L'hoir

Columbarium 1 at Vigna Codini: Loculi & Central Pillar

Columbarium, excavated in 1840 CE, on strip of land between Via Latina and Via Appia.
Attalid Dynasty
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Attalid Dynasty

The Attalid Dynasty ruled an empire from their capital at Pergamon during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE. Fighting for their place in the turbulent world following the death of Alexander the Great, the Attalids briefly flourished with Pergamon...
Estado da India
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Estado da India

The Estado da India (1505-1961) was the name the Portuguese gave to that part of their empire which stretched from India to East Asia. However, in its widest sense, the name includes all Portuguese colonies east of the Cape of Good Hope and...
Parthian Art
Definition by Patrick Scott Smith, M. A.

Parthian Art

Parthian art flourished within the Eurasian cultural corridor from the late hundreds BCE to the early 1st and 2nd centuries CE. With the Parthian Empire (247 BCE - 224 CE) stretching from India and China in the east to the Mediterranean shores...
Wars of the Diadochi
Definition by Donald L. Wasson

Wars of the Diadochi

On June 10, 323 BCE Alexander the Great died in Babylon. Although historians have debated the exact cause most agree that the empire he built was left without adequate leadership for there was no clear successor or heir. The military commanders...
The Spice Trade & the Age of Exploration
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Spice Trade & the Age of Exploration

One of the major motivating factors in the European Age of Exploration was the search for direct access to the highly lucrative Eastern spice trade. In the 15th century, spices came to Europe via the Middle East land and sea routes, and spices...
Gandhara Civilization
Definition by Muhammad Bin Naveed

Gandhara Civilization

The Gandhara Civilization existed in what is now Northern Pakistan and Afghanistan from the middle of the 1st millennium BCE to the beginning of the 2nd millennium CE. Although multiple major powers ruled over this area during that time...
Alexander the Great as a God
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Alexander the Great as a God

The age-old concept of the “divine right of kings” allowed that a country's ruler received his or her power or authority from God. However, few, if any, were delusional enough to actually believe themselves to be a god. An exception to this...