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History of Chinese Literature
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

History of Chinese Literature

Ancient Chinese literature developed following the evolution of script which evolved from divination practices of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BCE). The pictographs made on oracle bones by diviners became the script known as Jiaguwen (c...
Yuan Dynasty
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Yuan Dynasty

The Yuan Dynasty was established by the Mongols and ruled China from 1271 to 1368 CE. Their first emperor was Kublai Khan (r. 1260-1279 CE) who finally defeated the Song Dynasty which had reigned in China since 960 CE. Stability and peace...
What can we learn from Ancient Greek medicine?
Video by OpenLearn from The Open University

What can we learn from Ancient Greek medicine?

This video briefly describes the ancient Greek pursuit of knowledge in regards to medicine, and the associated practices.
Making the Sacred Bundle
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Making the Sacred Bundle

Making the Sacred Bundle is an origin story of the medicine bag from the Pawnee nation. A medicine bag is a pouch or bundle containing items of resonant spiritual power for an individual or the tribal community that symbolize and maintain...
Ancient Chinese Philosophers
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Chinese Philosophers

The philosophers of ancient China developed diverse systems of thought, often in conflict with each other, all aiming to provide people with the means to live in harmony with themselves and others. Each philosopher understood his own teachings...
Native Tobacco - Traditional Uses of Tobacco as a Sacred Medicine
Video by Mallory at Tribal Trade

Native Tobacco - Traditional Uses of Tobacco as a Sacred Medicine

Tobacco is considered the most sacred of the Indigenous sacred medicines, used in virtually every ceremony as a means of connecting directly to the Creator. Native tobacco is used in ceremonies such as pipe ceremonies, non-smoke offerings...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Hippocrates was born on the Greek island of Kos in the 5th century BCE, and he became the most famous physician in antiquity. He established a medical school on the island, wrote many treatises on medical matters, and is, through his systematic...
The Greek God Apollo: The Myths of the Olympian God of Music, Medicine, the Sun and Archery
Video by Kelly Macquire

The Greek God Apollo: The Myths of the Olympian God of Music, Medicine, the Sun and Archery

The god Apollo in Greek mythology is the Olympian god of, well, quite a lot! Apollo is associated with the bow, music, divination, the sun, poetry, healing and medicine and, who would have thought, plagues. He was one of the most loved gods...
Chinese Philosophy
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Chinese Philosophy

Ancient Chinese Philosophy developed during the Spring and Autumn Period (c. 772-476 BCE) and the Warring States Period (c. 481-221 BCE) in ancient China. This was the era known as the Hundred Schools of Thought, referring to many different...
Drugs & Pharmaceuticals in Ancient Rome
Article by Arienne King

Drugs & Pharmaceuticals in Ancient Rome

Physicians in ancient Rome manufactured a wide variety of pharmaceuticals used to treat health concerns. Roman medicine was highly sophisticated, and Roman medical literature describes early antiseptics, narcotics, and anti-inflammatory medicines...