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Indus Valley Seal
Image by Anindita Basu

Indus Valley Seal

Seals excavated from sites of the Indus Valley Civilisation and now housed at the National Museum, New Delhi, India. 3000 - 1700 BCE
Tomb of Roshanara Begum
Image by Prayash Giria

Tomb of Roshanara Begum

The tomb of the Mughal princess Roshanara Begum (1617-71), daughter of Queen Mumtaz Mahal (1593-1631) and Shah Jahan (r. 1628-1658), emperor of the Mughal Empire. Delhi, India.
Mehrauli Archaelogical Park
Image by Ronit Bhattacharjee

Mehrauli Archaelogical Park

Tomb platform at Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Skeleton, Rakhigarhi Excavation
Image by vijayadurga

Skeleton, Rakhigarhi Excavation

This image was taken in the Delhi Natural Museum. The skeleton was excavated from the Rakhigarhi site, Haryana, one of the important sites of Indus Valley Civilization. Dated back to 4500+ years ago.
Qutb Minar
Image by Rupesh Kochhar

Qutb Minar

Qutb Minar, Delhi, India.
Madhi Masjid
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Madhi Masjid

Madhi Masjid mihrab, built in the early Mughal period. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Vishnu in His Dwarf Incarnation
Image by G41rn8

Vishnu in His Dwarf Incarnation

This image was created during the rule of the Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty (8th century CE - 11th century CE) in ancient India. It is a fine specimen of the sculptural style that flourished in the period. It shows the Hindu god Vishnu in his...
Jamali Kamali Mosque
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Jamali Kamali Mosque

Jamali Kamali mosque, built by Mughal emperors Babur and Humayun between 1528-1529 and 1536. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
Hauz-e-Shamsi Pavilion
Image by Varun Shiv Kapur

Hauz-e-Shamsi Pavilion

Hauz-e-Shamsi pavilion. The original structure was built in 1230, however, the square-shaped and rectangular pavilions are later additions. Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Delhi.
The Siege of Acre, 1291 CE
Image by Dominique Papety

The Siege of Acre, 1291 CE

A 19th century CE painting depicting the Knights Hospitaller defending Acre during the siege by the Mamluk Sultanate in 1291 CE.