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Silver Denarius Depicting Legionary Eagle
Silver denarius depicting Victory on one side and a Roman legionary standard topped with an eagle on the other. Minted in Massalia, 82 BCE.

Crocodile Denarius of Cleopatra Selene II
Silver denarius from the reign of Juba II (r. 29 BCE - 23 CE) and Cleopatra Selene II (c. 40 - 5 BCE). Obverse: Juba II with the legend "Rex Iuba" (Latin, "King Juba"). Reverse: Egyptian crocodile with legend "Basilissa Kleopatra" (Greek...

Roman Coinage
Roman coins were first produced in the late 4th century BCE in Italy and continued to be minted for another eight centuries across the empire. Denominations and values more or less constantly changed but certain types such as the sestertii...

Follow the Money. The Coinage of Later Imperial Rome: A Reflection of Economic Stress and Decline
Unlike the practice of professional numismatists, I prefer to see the “big picture”. So, my entire Roman coin collection, all 250 pieces, from Julius Caesar to Valentinian III is laid out on a single pane of glass in a cabinet, in chronological...

3D Image
Julius Caesar Denarius, 47 BCE
This is a recreation of a silver coin that was minted by Julius Caesar in refrence to the supposed ancestry of his family. The gens Julia claimed descent from Venus through Aeneas, who was the product of a union between his father Anchises...

Roman Imperial Coinage
1. Denarius of Emperor Nero (reigned 54-68 CE) of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. The silver content of the coin (fineness) is >.92. Nero’s jowly face, gazing to the right, is recognizable, but barely. This coin was clipped around the edges...

Roman Coins
Some of the most common Roman coins, including the gold aureus, silver denarius and brass sestertius.

Juba II & Ptolemy of Mauretania
Coin from the co-regency of Juba II (r. 29 BCE - 23 CE) and Ptolemy of Mauretania (c. 10 BCE - c. 40 CE). Left; Juba II, Right; Ptolemy of Mauretania. Silver Denarius, minted c. 20-24 CE. Minted in Caesarea, Mauretania (near modern day...

Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate was the fifth magistrate to serve in the Roman province of Judea, created in 6 CE by Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14 CE). His term of office was during the subsequent reign of Tiberius from 26-36 CE. He became famous...

Silver in Antiquity
Silver had great value and aesthetic appeal in many ancient cultures where it was used to make jewellery, tableware, figurines, ritual objects and rough-cut pieces known as hacksilver which could be used in trade or to store wealth. The metal...