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Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Canaan was the name of a large and prosperous ancient country (at times independent, at others a tributary to Egypt) located in the Levant region of present-day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel. It was also known as Phoenicia. The origin...
Portuguese Brazil
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Portuguese Brazil

With a wealth of natural resources, Brazil was by far the most important colony in the Portuguese empire and was, at one time or another, the world’s leading producer of sugar, diamonds, and tobacco. Colonised from the 1530s, most settlements...
Continental System
Definition by Harrison W. Mark

Continental System

The Continental System was a major blockade of British trade imposed by French Emperor Napoleon I from 21 November 1806 to 11 April 1814. It was designed to cripple the British economy, thereby forcing Britain out of the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815...
Celtic Warrior
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Celtic Warrior

The warriors of Celtic Europe were amongst the most distinctive of any fighters in the ancient world. With their great height, long hair and moustaches, frequent nakedness, painted and tattooed bodies, and fondness for collecting enemy heads...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Tikal, located in the north of the Petén region of Guatemala, was a major Maya city which flourished between 300 and 850 CE. The city, known to the Maya themselves as Mutul, is one of the grandest in Mesoamerica. Amongst the first Maya cities...
Byzantine Emperor
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Byzantine Emperor

The Byzantine Emperor ruled as an absolute monarch in an institution which lasted from the 4th to 15th century CE. Aided by ministers, high-ranking nobility, and key church figures, the emperor (and sometimes empress) was commander-in-chief...
The Roman Toga
Article by Mark Cartwright

The Roman Toga

The toga was an item of clothing worn by men who were citizens of Rome. The toga consisted of a single length of wool cloth cut in a semicircle and wrapped around the body of the wearer without any fastenings. The Roman toga was a clearly...
Cosmetics in the Ancient World
Article by Mark Cartwright

Cosmetics in the Ancient World

The wearing of cosmetics and perfumes by both men and women goes back a very long way indeed as the ancients were just as keen as anyone to improve their appearance as quickly and as easily as possible using all manner of powders, creams...
Trade Goods of the East India Company
Article by Mark Cartwright

Trade Goods of the East India Company

The English East India Company (EIC) was founded in 1600, and it came to control both trade and territories in India, as well as a trade monopoly with China. Goods the EIC traded included spices, cotton cloth, tea, and opium, all in such...
History of the Phoenicians: The Maritime Superpowers of the Mediterranean
Video by Kelly Macquire

History of the Phoenicians: The Maritime Superpowers of the Mediterranean

The Phoenicians were the maritime superpowers of the Mediterranean. Their culture flourished and was at its most powerful between 1500 and 332 BCE when Alexander the Great entered the region and decimated the cities and their populations...