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Early Prehistoric Handaxes
Image by Jan van der Crabben

Early Prehistoric Handaxes

These two handaxes were made from flint by Homo erectus around 130,000 BCE. They were both found in Switzerland: The ochre one was found in Pratteln, Canton Basel-Land, while the white one was found in Schlieren, Canton Zurich. On display...
Early Hypodermic Syringe
Image by Science Museum, London

Early Hypodermic Syringe

A hypodermic syringe made by Coxeter and Son of London c. 1860. Syringes were used in antiquity, but the true hypodermic syringe for injecting precisely measured liquids using a hollow needle was invented by the Scotsman Alexander Wood (1817-1884...
Early Pedal Bycycle
Image by Science Museum, London

Early Pedal Bycycle

A model of the pedal bicycle invented by the Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan (1812-1878) in 1839. There had been earlier two-wheeled vehicles, but these were not powered by turning the pedals with one's feet. Macmillan's bicycle...
Definition by Rebecca Denova


Gnosticism is the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


The Picts were a people of northern Scotland who are defined as a "confederation of tribal units whose political motivations derived from a need to ally against common enemies" (McHardy, 176). They were not a single tribe, nor necessarily...
Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora

In 2009, film director Alejandro Amenabar brought the story of Hypatia of Alexandria (c. 370-415 CE) to the screen through the feature film Agora. Years later, the movie continues to draw criticism from Christian writers for its depiction...
Gibbon's Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire
Article by Donald L. Wasson

Gibbon's Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire

The English historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) wrote and published his seminal work History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire between 1776 and 1788. The dominant theme of Gibbon's six-volume work is that the fall of the Roman Empire...
The Church and The Jews - Early Jewish Diaspora
Video by DrDavidNeiman

The Church and The Jews - Early Jewish Diaspora

In this second excerpt from Dr. David Neiman's lecture series, "The Church and The Jews", Dr. Neiman discusses the early Jewish diaspora communities that existed before the advent of Christianity.
Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.
Video by Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Early Dynastic Mesopotamia | Ancient Documentary | The Sumerian and Akkadian Empires.

The Early Dynastic Period of Mesopotamia is the modern-day archaeological term for the era in Mesopotamian history — 2900-2334 BCE — during which some of the most significant cultural advances were made including the rise of the cities, the...
The Elamites -  The Early History of Elam and Its People (Part 1)
Video by History with Cy

The Elamites - The Early History of Elam and Its People (Part 1)

If you've ever been curious about the ancient land of Elam and Elamite civilization, then you're in luck. In this program, "The Early History of Elam and the Elamites," we take a look at how Elamite civilization began as well as the beginnings...