Eastern Han Dynasty: Did you mean...?


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Artaxiad Dynasty
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Artaxiad Dynasty

The Artaxiad (Artashesian) dynasty ruled ancient Armenia from c. 200 BCE to the first decade of the 1st century CE. Founded by Artaxias I, the dynasty would ensure Armenia enjoyed a sustained period of prosperity and regional importance...
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Middle Kingdom of Egypt

The Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE) is considered ancient Egypt's Classical Age during which it produced some of its greatest works of art and literature. Scholars remain divided on which dynasties constitute the Middle Kingdom as some argue...
Orontid Dynasty
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Orontid Dynasty

The Orontid dynasty (aka Eruandid or Yervanduni) succeeded the Kingdom of Urartu in ancient Armenia and ruled from the 6th to 3rd century BCE. Initially, the Orontids ruled as Persian satraps and the culture, language and political practices...
Silk Road
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Silk Road

The Silk Road was a network of ancient trade routes, formally established during the Han Dynasty of China in 130 BCE, which linked the regions of the ancient world in commerce between 130 BCE-1453 CE. The Silk Road was not a single route...
Han Woman, Dahuting Tomb
Image by Unknown Artist

Han Woman, Dahuting Tomb

A portrait of an Eastern Han woman from the Dahuting tomb, Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. 25-220 CE. Part of a wider secene showing daily life in Han China.
Maukhari Dynasty
Definition by Dr Avantika Lal

Maukhari Dynasty

The Maukharis (554 CE - 606 CE) rose as a power after the downfall of the Gupta Empire (3rd to 6th century CE) in the 6th century CE in northern India. The core area of their kingdom was situated in what is now the state of Uttar Pradesh...
Pushyabhuti Dynasty
Definition by Dr Avantika Lal

Pushyabhuti Dynasty

The Pushyabhuti Dynasty (c. 500 CE - 647 CE) rose after the downfall of the Gupta Empire (3rd century CE - 6th century CE) in the 6th century CE in northern India. Also known as the Vardhana or Pushpabhuti Dynasty, the core area of their...
First Dynasty of Egypt
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

First Dynasty of Egypt

The kings of the First Dynasty of Egypt (c. 3150 - c. 2890 BCE) all worked toward the same ends: increasing trade, expansion of the kingdom through military campaigns, engaging in building projects (such as monuments, tombs, and temples...
Han Lacquered Box
Image by Metropolitan Museum of Art

Han Lacquered Box

A lacquered box of the Eastern Han Dynasty, China. 25-220 CE. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Han Figure Painting
Image by Unknown Artist

Han Figure Painting

A detail of a basket dating to the Han dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) showing two rows of famous historical figures. The Han dynasty period was the first time that Chinese artists attempted portraiture. (Central History Museum, Pyongyang, North...