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Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Greece
Article by Ollie Wells

Love, Sex, & Marriage in Ancient Greece

Love, sex, and marriage in ancient Greece are portrayed in Greek literature as distinct, yet closely intertwined, elements of life. For many upper-class men, marriages did not take place for love, and other relationships, be it with men or...
Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire
Article by Mark Cartwright

Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire

Daily life in the Byzantine Empire, like almost everywhere else before or since, largely depended on one's birth and the social circumstances of one's parents. There were some opportunities for advancement based on education, the accumulation...
Schooldays: Sumerian Satire & the Scribal Life
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Schooldays: Sumerian Satire & the Scribal Life

Schooldays (c. 2000 BCE) is a Sumerian poem describing the daily life of a young scribe in the schools of Mesopotamia. The work takes the form of a first-person narration and dialogue in relating the challenges the student faces and how he...
Marcus Aurelius: Philosopher Emperor or Philosopher-King?
Article by Steven Umbrello

Marcus Aurelius: Philosopher Emperor or Philosopher-King?

Co-authored by Steven Umbrello and Tina Forsee It is very common to hear in both academic circles, as well as more close-knit Stoic circles, Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180 CE) being referred to as the philosopher king. This is not an idea...
Information & Communication Technologies in Cultural Heritage & Tourism
Interview by James Blake Wiener

Information & Communication Technologies in Cultural Heritage & Tourism

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are revolutionizing the ways in which the public interacts, understands, and appreciates the importance of cultural heritage around the world. They are additionally enabling sustainable tourism...
Interview: The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert by John Lee
Interview by Kelly Macquire

Interview: The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert by John Lee

John Lee joins World History Encyclopedia to tell us all about his new book, The First Black Archaeologist: A Life of John Wesley Gilbert. Kelly (WHE): Thank you so much for joining me! Let us start by talking about what the book is about...
Childhood in the Viking Age
Article by Irina-Maria Manea

Childhood in the Viking Age

Childhood in the Viking Age (c. 750-1100) was largely undocumented as historical records primarily focus on adults, particularly men. Likewise, little is known about children's presence in the afterlife, as no runestones were raised in their...
Zhou Dynasty
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Zhou Dynasty

The Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE) was among the most culturally significant of the early Chinese dynasties and the longest lasting of any in China's history, divided into two periods: Western Zhou (1046-771 BCE) and Eastern Zhou (771-256 BCE...
The Enlightenment
Definition by Mark Cartwright

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment (Age of Reason) was a revolution in thought in Europe and North America from the late 17th century to the late 18th century. The Enlightenment involved new approaches in philosophy, science, and politics. Above all, the...
Adam Smith
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Adam Smith

Adam Smith (1723-1790) was a Scottish philosopher, economist, and leading Enlightenment figure. In The Wealth of Nations, he advocates free trade and limited interference in markets by governments, for which he is seen as the founder of liberal...