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The Myth of Loki and the Master Builder
Dive into the Norse myth of how Loki tricked a stranger into building the great wall of Asgard to keep the realm safe from giants. — Asgard, a realm of wonders, was where the Norse Gods made their home. There Odin's great hall of Valhalla...

The Myth of Ireland's Two Greatest Warriors - Iseult Gillespie
Dive into the Irish myth of Táin Bò Cuailnge, where Queen Meadhbh of Connaught seeks to capture the fabled brown bull of Ulster. Cú Chulainn, hero of Ulster, stood at the ford at Cooley, ready to face an entire army single handedly— all...

The Egyptian Myth of Isis and the Seven Scorpions
Dive into the Egyptian myth of Isis, a powerful goddess protecting her son from her murderous brother with the help of seven scorpions. — A woman in rags emerged from a swamp flanked by seven giant scorpions and approached a magnificent...

The Myth of King Midas and his Golden Touch
Midas, the mythological king of Phrygia in Asia Minor or Anatolia (modern-day Turkey) was the son of Gordias, and in some accounts, Cybele, the Phrygian Mother Goddess. He is best known from the myth where he is given the gift of turning...

The Chinese Myth of the Immortal White Snake (Part 1)
Dive into the world of Chinese folk tales with the myth of the white snake, a story of the demon Bai Su Zhen and her love, Xu Xian. (Part One of the myth of the white snake). — The talented herbalist Xu Xian had just started his own...

The Greek Myth of Theseus, Ariadne and the Minotaur
Theseus was the legendary hero-king of Athens who had both mortal and divine lineage as the son of the mortal Aethra of Troezen, and either the god of the sea, Poseidon, or Aegeus the king of Athens. Theseus grew up in Troezen in the northeast...

The Aztec Myth of the Unlikeliest Sun God
Discover the myth of how the weak and pimply Aztec god Nanahuatl sacrificed himself to become Lord Sun and created a new world. — Nanahuatl, weakest of the Aztec gods, sickly and covered in pimples, had been chosen to form a new world...

The Egyptian Myth of the Death of Osiris
Dig into the Egyptian myth of Osiris, trapped by his brother, the warrior god Set, in a coffin and tossed into the Nile to die. — Long jealous of his older brother Osiris, the god who ruled all of Egypt, the warrior god Set plotted...

The Chinese Myth of the Meddling Monk - Shunan Teng
Will Bai Su Zhen, the white snake demon, and her love, Xu Xian, ever be free of the meddling monk? (Part Two of the myth of the white snake). — Xu Xian had just received an invitation to the opening ceremony of a new temple. His wife...

The Myth of Echo and Narcissus
Narcissus is a figure from Greek mythology who was so impossibly handsome that he fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Even the lovely nymph Echo could not manage to tempt him from his self-absorption. Narcissus'...