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The myth of Hades and Persephone - Iseult Gillespie
Dig into the Greek myth of Persephone, who is abducted by Hades and is only allowed to leave the underworld every spring. – One day, Persephone was frolicking in a meadow with the nymph, Cyane. As they admired a flower, they noticed...

The Myth of Pegasus and the Chimera - Iseult Gillespie
Discover the myth of Bellerophon, the hero who battled and killed the Chimera monster atop the winged horse Pegasus. Shielded from the gorgon’s stone gaze, Perseus crept through Medusa’s cave. When he reached her, he drew his sickle and...

The Egyptian Myth of the Death of Osiris - Alex Gendler
Dig into the Egyptian myth of Osiris, trapped by his brother, the warrior god Set, in a coffin and tossed into the Nile to die. Long jealous of his older brother Osiris, the god who ruled all of Egypt, the warrior god Set plotted to overthrow...

The Myth of Gawain and the Green Knight - Dan Kwartler
Dig into the myth of the Green Knight, who comes to King Arthur’s court to challenge the honor and bravery of Camelot’s knights. It was Christmas in Camelot and King Arthur was throwing a party. In the midst of the revelry, a towering...

The Myth of King Midas & his Golden Touch - Iseult Gillespie
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: In Greek mythology, King Midas is known as a rogue ruler whose antics...

Theories of Myth: Crash Course World Mythology #12
This week, we're talking about theories of Myth. We'll look at the different ways mythology has been studied in the last couple of millenia, and talk about the diffeent ways people have interpreted myth, academically. Crash Course is on...

The tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice - Brendan Pelsue
Check out our Patreon page: View full lesson: The marriage of Orpheus, the greatest of all poets and musicians, to Eurydice...

Enki (also known as Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku, Nissiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, fresh water, intelligence, trickery and mischief, crafts, magic, exorcism, healing, creation, virility, fertility, and art. Iconography depicts him...

Book of Genesis
The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Jewish scriptures and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Genesis takes its name from the opening line in Hebrew – beresit, ("in the beginning") – later translated into Greek as genesis ("origin"...

Nephthys was one of the original five gods of ancient Egypt born of the union of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) after the creation of the world. She was the fourth born after Osiris, Isis, and Set and was the older sister of Horus (usually referred...