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Assyrian Lion Hunt Relief
Image by Jan van der Crabben (Photographer)

Assyrian Lion Hunt Relief

Frieze depicting a lion hunt, from the royal palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, modern-day Iraq. Neo-Assyrian Empire, 668-631 BCE. The king's role was to protect his people from enemies. In ancient Assyria, this was symbolized in the lion...
Young Spartans Exercising by Degas
Image by National Gallery

Young Spartans Exercising by Degas

A c. 1861 oil on canvas painting, Young Spartans Exercising, by Edgar Degas (1834-1917), the French impressionist painter. A typical early work of the artist when he was still interested in becoming a historical painter. The frieze-like quality...
Sumerians Milking Scene from Tell al-'Ubaid
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Sumerians Milking Scene from Tell al-'Ubaid

This scene is part of a long one depicting Sumerians milking cows and preparing dairy products. The scene once decorated a frieze on the facade of the Temple of Ninhursag at Tell al-'Ubaid, in modern-day Dhi Qar Governorate, Iraq. Early Dynastic...
Roman Fresco, Villa of the Farnesina, Rome
Image by Mark Cartwright

Roman Fresco, Villa of the Farnesina, Rome

A detail of the 1st century BCE fresco which decorated the dining room (triclinium) of the Villa of the Farnesina in Rome. The long frieze depicts judicial scenes, perhaps famous cases and the events which led to the trial. (Palazzo Massimo...
Amazonomachy Relief from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Image by Carole Raddato

Amazonomachy Relief from the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

Slab from the Amazonomachy frieze depicting five figures, three Greeks and two Amazons, and a horse. From the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, around 350 BCE (British Museum).
Statue of Penelope from Persepolis
Image by Nathalie Choubineh

Statue of Penelope from Persepolis

Statue of Penelope, marble copy of the bronze original, found in Persepolis in 1936, dated to c. 450 BCE. National Museum of Iran, Tehran, acc. no. 1538 This marble torso of a seated woman in sophisticated drapes, with a height of 85 cm...
Abu Simbel, Facade of the Temple of Ramesses II
Image by Carole Raddato

Abu Simbel, Facade of the Temple of Ramesses II

The Great Temple at Abu Simbel was built by Ramesses II and completed around 1264 BCE. It stands 98 feet (30 metres) high and 115 feet (35 metres) long with four seated colossi flanking the entrance, two to each side, depicting Ramesses II...
Gods Fighting Giants, Delphi
Image by Mark Cartwright

Gods Fighting Giants, Delphi

A detail from the frieze of the Treasury of the Siphians at Delphi depicting the Gods fighting the Giants (525 BCE), Delphi Archaeological Museum.
Tizoc Stone
Image by Dennis Jarvis

Tizoc Stone

The Tizoc Stone which depicts on its flat upper surface a sun-disk and around its edge a continuous frieze showing the Aztec king Tizoc and other warriors capturing deities of conquered peoples. 15th century CE. (National Museum of Anthropology...
Vix Krater
Image by Karsten Wentnik

Vix Krater

The Vix Krater, a massive Greek krater, or wine-mixing vessel, found in Vix, France. This massive, 1.63 m (5'4") high bronze vessel weighs around 200kg (450lbs), making it the largest Classical Greek bronze vessel found to date. The richly...