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15 Aztec Gods
Collection by Mark Cartwright

15 Aztec Gods

The Aztecs of northern Mesoamerica (c. 1345 and 1521 CE) worshipped some of the weirdest, most fantastic and downright scary gods seen anywhere in history. The Aztec civilization and the empire it created revolved around winning special favour...
Visual Guide to Ancient Egyptian Gods
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Visual Guide to Ancient Egyptian Gods

This image gallery is a visual guide to the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt. It includes depictions of many of Egypt's more iconic and widely worshipped deities, along with brief descriptions of their roles in Egyptian religion. Each...
Ancient Egyptian Gods
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Gods

The worship of Egyptian gods dates to the Predynastic Period in Egypt (c. 6000 to c. 3150 BCE) but is no doubt much older as the veneration of these deities was already established in rudimentary form through rock carvings dated to c. 6000...
Mesopotamian Gods
Collection by Joshua J. Mark

Mesopotamian Gods

The gods of Mesopotamia are first evidenced during the Ubaid Period (c. 5000-4100 BCE) when temples were raised to them, but their worship developed during the Uruk Period (4100-2900 BCE) and their names appear in writing beginning in the...
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses

The gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt were an integral aspect of the peoples’ daily lives, inhabiting not only the temples thought to be their homes but the streams, lakes, plains, and trees of the land and, of course, the Nile River. The...
Visual Guide to Ancient Roman Gods & Heroes
Image Gallery by Arienne King

Visual Guide to Ancient Roman Gods & Heroes

This gallery is a visual guide to Roman mythology. It includes some of the more influential or popular deities, heroes and spirits from Roman mythology, and their identifying features. Roman mythology was a collection of legends and traditions...
A Gallery of Norse Gods & Yule Traditions
Image Gallery by Joshua J. Mark

A Gallery of Norse Gods & Yule Traditions

The Norse tradition of celebrating Yule (Yuletide=Yule Time) influenced many of the later traditions now associated with Christmas. "Yuletide" appears in Christmas carols, is often used interchangeably with "Christmas", and many still celebrate...
Gods of Thunder in Precolonial America - Interview with Tim Pauketat
Video by Kelly Macquire

Gods of Thunder in Precolonial America - Interview with Tim Pauketat

Timothy R. Pauketat is an American archaeologist, director of the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, the Illinois State Archaeologist, and professor of anthropology and medieval studies at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana...
Gods & Heroes Archaeology Kit
Video by Ancient History Encyclopedia

Gods & Heroes Archaeology Kit

In this video we're showing you the Gods and Heroes archaeology kit for children, which was kindly provided to us by Greecs.com. https://greecs.com/gods-and-heroes-hercules-2012-03e.html/
The Seven Lucky Gods of Japan
Image by Simeon Netchev

The Seven Lucky Gods of Japan

An infographic about Shichifukujin, or the Seven Lucky Gods (Seven Gods of Fortune) of Japan, a revered group of deities associated with prosperity and good fortune. Each god represents different blessings, including wealth, happiness, and...