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Seven Lucky Gods
The Seven Lucky Gods or Shichifukujin of Japanese folklore. From left to right: Soldan Sağa Hotei, Juroujin, Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Daikokuten, Ebisu

Seven Lucky Gods on Takarabune
The Seven Lucky Gods (aka Shichifukujin) of Japanese folklore on their treasure ship or takarabune. By Hiroshige (1797-1858 CE). Woodblock print, c. 1840 CE. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London)

Theogony (Generations of the Gods) by Hesiod, c. 700 BCE
An infographic illustrating Hesiod's Theogony (literally meaning "Birth of the Gods") - the earliest known and the only complete account of the origins of the universe and the gods according to ancient Greek mythology and tradition. Traditionally...

Battle of the Sea Gods by Mantegna
The c. 1490 CE engraving 'Battle of the Sea Gods' by the Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna (c. 1431-1506 CE). (Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth House, England)

Twelve Gods of the Underworld, Yazilikaya Hittite Sanctuary
West wall of Chamber B of the Yazilikaya Hittite Sanctuary near Hattusa (13th century BCE) depicting the Twelve Gods of the Underworld. They wear short shirts, belts and shoes curling up at the toe. They each carry a crescent-shaped sword...

Temple of the Great Gods, Samothrace
The temple of the Great Gods at their sanctuary on Samothrace. c. 340 BCE.

Seven Japanese Gods of Luck Festival (Shichifukujin) - Hatsu Konpira
At Kotohiragu Shrine a small shrine in Tokyo, they have a small festival with a small parade of the Shichifukujin, the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan. Hatsu Konpira is the shrine's first fair of the new year so the parade of the seven lucky gods...

The Twelve Olympian Gods of Ancient Greece
This infographic illustrates the 12 Olympian Gods (Greek: Δωδεκάθεον, Dodekatheon), the principal deities of the Greek pantheon who reside on Mount Olympus, ruling over aspects of the natural world, human life, and cosmic order. Traditionally...

The Battle of the Gods and Goddesses and the Giants
This is the so-called "Silahtarağa Statuary Group". The remains came to light during excavations for the foundations of a building on the road between the quarter Eyub and Alibeykoy near the Golden Horn. Between 1949-1950 many fragments of...

Four Gods of Mount Koya
A painted silk scroll depicting the four gods of Mount Koya. 16th century CE. (Tokyo National Museum)