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Armlet with Mummiform Gods from Meroe
Gold armlet with depictions of mummiform gods. From the treasure of the Nubian queen Amanishakheto, pyramid N6, Meroe, modern-day northern Sudan. Meroitic period, around 1 CE. (State Museum of Egyptian Art, Munich, Germany).

Door Lintel with Gods' Heads
This door lintel was sculpted with the shape of different gods' heads. Each god represents one day of the week. 2nd to 3rd century CE. From Hatra, Modern Al-Jazeera Region, Ninawa Governorate, Iraq. (The Sulaimaniya Museum, Iraq).

Yazilikaya Engraving with Hittite Gods
Engraving from a relief at Yazilikaya by French archaeologist Charles Texier (1882). Teshub stands on two deified mountains (depicted as men) alongside his wife Hepatu, who is standing on the back of a panther. Behind her, their son, their...

Lekythos, Gods with Chariots
Oil, especially olive oil, was stored in specialized Greek pottery; lekythos (pleural, lekythoi). Many lekythoi were found inside tombs; they were used to anoint the dead bodies of single men. Mainly dull red and black paints were used by...

The Sky Gods of Greek Mythology
Did you know that there was not just one deity for the night sky, but numerous gods, titans and nymphs all responsible for different aspects of the night sky, the winds and the seasons? When you think of the Greek god of the sky, or the...

Ragnarok: The Final Battle of the Norse Gods (Part 3/3) - Norse Mythology Stories - See U in History
Ragnarök: The Final Battle of the Norse Gods - Norse Mythology Stories

Hermes: Greek God, Trickster and Messenger to the Gods
Hermes was the Ancient Greek god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and travel. He is known as the trickster of the Greek pantheon, and most recognisable is his position as the Messenger to the...

The Mesopotamian Pantheon
The gods of the Mesopotamian region were not uniform in name, power, provenance or status in the hierarchy. Mesopotamian culture varied from region to region and, because of this, Marduk should not be regarded as King of the Gods in the same...

Norse Mythology: an Introduction to the Norse Gods, Goddesses, Myths and Legends
Norse mythology was the belief of the people of Scandinavia around the Viking age between around 790 and 1100 CE. It consisted of cosmology or story of the beginning of the universe, nine realms of the world tree Yggdrasil and the end of...

Mount Olympus: The Great Palace Of The Gods
Today we take a look at the home of the most well known Gods in Greek Mythology, Mount Olympus. If you enjoy mythology and folklore and want to learn more. Please consider subscribing to the channel to keep up to date with all the latest...