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The Three Gods: Baal, Yam, and Mot
Video by CanaaniteSoul

The Three Gods: Baal, Yam, and Mot

Three important Canaanite gods are Baal, Yam, and Mot. Their story is told in an epic myth found in the ruins of the city of Ugarit (destroyed by invading Sea People during the Bronze Age). Here we learn about them and what this myth represents...
Portico of Harmonious Gods - Ancient Rome Live
Video by American Institute for Roman Culture

Portico of Harmonious Gods - Ancient Rome Live

The Portico of the Harmonious Gods is located on the slopes of the Capitoline Hill, overlooking the forum. Butting up against the "Tabularium" structure, it is across the street (Clivus Capitolinus) from the Temple of Saturn. It possibly...
The Mesopotamian Pantheon
Article by Joshua J. Mark

The Mesopotamian Pantheon

The gods of the Mesopotamian region were not uniform in name, power, provenance or status in the hierarchy. Mesopotamian culture varied from region to region and, because of this, Marduk should not be regarded as King of the Gods in the same...
Historical Worship of the Norse Gods
Video by Jackson Crawford

Historical Worship of the Norse Gods

An Old Norse expert discusses the (sparse) information we have about worship, ritual, and prayer in pre-Christian Scandinavia. Dr. Jackson Crawford is Instructor of Nordic Studies and Nordic Program Coordinator at the University of Colorado...
Religion in the Ancient World
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Religion in the Ancient World

Religion (from the Latin Religio, meaning 'restraint,' or Relegere, according to Cicero, meaning 'to repeat, to read again,' or, most likely, Religionem, 'to show respect for what is sacred') is an organized system of beliefs and practices...
Mesopotamian Religion
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Mesopotamian Religion

Mesopotamian religion was central to the people's lives. Humans were created as co-laborers with their gods to hold off the forces of chaos and to keep the world running smoothly. As in ancient Egypt, the gods were honored daily for providing...
Definition by Mark Cartwright


Shinto means 'way of the gods' and it is the oldest religion in Japan. Shinto's key concepts include purity, harmony, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group. The faith has no founder or prophets and there is...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Fenrir is the great wolf in Norse Mythology who breaks free from his chains at Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods, kills Odin, and is then killed by Odin’s son Vidarr. Fenrir is the son of the trickster god Loki and brother of the World Serpent...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Enlil (also known as Ellil and Nunamnir) was the Sumerian god of the air in the Mesopotamian Pantheon but was more powerful than any other elemental deities and eventually was worshiped as King of the Gods. He is featured in a number of important...
Definition by Joshua J. Mark


Enki (also known as Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku, Nissiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, fresh water, intelligence, trickery and mischief, crafts, magic, exorcism, healing, creation, virility, fertility, and art. Iconography depicts him...