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The Dexileos Stele: A Study of Aristocracy and Democracy in Greek Art
Article by James Lloyd

The Dexileos Stele: A Study of Aristocracy and Democracy in Greek Art

The Dexileos Stele assesses the way that Athenian political thought penetrated all levels of society, showing the conflict that the aristocratic classes were faced with in trying to find their place within the Athenian Democracy. As a visual...
Greek Art
Book Review ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ by James Blake Wiener

Greek Art

Greek Art by Dr. John Boardman, Lincoln Professor Emeritus of Classical Archaeology and Art at Oxford University, is a definitive survey on the arts of ancient Greek civilization and their enduring influence upon Western aesthetics. Revised...
The Human Body in Ancient Greek Art and Thought
Video by Portland Art Museum

The Human Body in Ancient Greek Art and Thought

IAN JENKINS, PH.D. SENIOR CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF GREECE AND ROME, BRITISH MUSEUM Jenkins explores Greek notions of ideal beauty in both nude and draped images of the male and female human bodies. He contrasts the moral aesthetic of sound...
Roman Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Roman Art

The Romans controlled such a vast empire for so long a period that a summary of the art produced in that time can only be a brief and selective one. Perhaps, though, the greatest points of distinction for Roman art are its very diversity...
Renaissance Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Renaissance Art

The art of the Renaissance period in Europe (1400-1600 CE) includes some of the most recognisable and best-loved paintings and sculptures in the world. Masters were often skilled in both painting and sculpture, and by studying the art of...
Ancient Chinese Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Ancient Chinese Art

Ancient China covered a vast and ever-changing geopolitical landscape, and the art it produced over three millennia is, unsurprisingly, just as varied. Still, despite continuous indigenous technical developments, changes in materials and...
Carthaginian Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Carthaginian Art

The art of the Carthaginians was an eclectic mix of influences and styles, which included Egyptian motifs, Greek fashion, Phoenician gods, and Etruscan patterns. Precious metals, ivory, glass, terracotta, and stone were transformed into highly...
Etruscan Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Etruscan Art

The art of the Etruscans, who flourished in central Italy between the 8th and 3rd century BCE, is renowned for its vitality and often vivid colouring. Wall paintings were especially vibrant and frequently capture scenes of Etruscans enjoying...
Aztec Art
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Aztec Art

The Aztec culture, centred at the capital of Tenochtitlan, dominated most of Mesoamerica in the 15th-16th centuries. With military conquest and trade expansion, the art of the Aztecs also spread, helping the Aztec civilization achieve a cultural...
Ancient Egyptian Art
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Egyptian Art

The artworks of ancient Egypt have fascinated people for thousands of years. The early Greek and later Roman artists were influenced by Egyptian techniques and their art would inspire those of other cultures up to the present day. Many artists...