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The Megalithic Funerary Art of San Agustín
Beginning approximately 2000 years ago, in a rugged stretch of southwestern Colombia where the Andes split into multiple ranges and the mighty Magdalena River is born, a people created a collection of magnificent ritual and burial monuments...

Interview: Early Medieval Irish Book Art
Early medieval Irish book art is both beautiful and fascinating. It reflects a flourishing monastic culture which played a key role in the cultural development of Europe from the 6th to 9th centuries CE. Nowhere is this more clearly illustrated...

The Art of Dialectic & Zeno of Elea
The creation of the art of dialectic is credited to Zeno of Elea, the philosophical champion of Parmenides’ claim that the essence of reality is One and unchanging. Zeno was Parmenides’ student and protégé and, in defending and defining his...

TICE ART 1010 Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Egyptian Art
Overview of Ancient Near Eastern and Ancient Egyptian Art for TICE ART 1010.

Art This Week-At the Dallas Museum of Art-Inca: Conquests of the Andes
This week, we visit the Dallas Museum of Art and our interviewer, Aimee Cardoso, speaks with The Ellen and Harry S. Parker III Assistant Curator of the Arts of the Americas, Kimberly Jones, about the exhibition, Inca: Conquests of the Andes/Los...

Image Gallery
50 Impressionist Paintings that Changed Art Forever
From the 1860s, a group of young avant-garde artists in Paris forged an entirely new style of painting, one that came to be known as impressionism. In this gallery, we present 50 paintings that made a major contribution to changing both the...

The Art & Culture of Ancient Greece
The ancient Greeks were masters at picking up ideas from other cultures, mixing these with their own innovations and producing unique contributions to world culture. Greek sculptors adored the human form, painters loved to tell stories on...

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A Gallery of Ancient African Art
In this gallery, we look at striking examples of art from across the African continent. In gold, stone and metals, ancient and medieval African artists have not only given us unique pieces of art to admire but their works are also an insight...

Image Gallery
A Gallery of Ancient Egyptian Art
Ancient Egyptian art was created to serve a practical purpose, not for its own sake, and so every piece had a specific function. At the same time, these works were crafted in accordance with the cultural value of ma'at (harmony) and so attention...

Image Gallery
Marine Life in Ancient Mediterranean Art
Throughout the history of the ancient Mediterranean artists were always keen to express their appreciation of the bounty of the sea. Marine life of all kinds, real and imagined, was frequently depicted on frescoes, pottery, mosaics and coins...